Evillustrator Part 2

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The two heroes were with Chloe in her room, asking questions about the previous attack at school.

"Seems this Evillustrator's targeting you specifically, Chloe. Any idea why?" Chat Noir asked.

"No. Everyone adores me." Chloe replied in a snotty way.

Chat Noir had to fight back a laugh.

"Anyway, we totally need a picture of the two of us together!" The blond girl grinned, taking a picture of her and Ladybug with her cellphone.

Though Ladybug was used to people taking her picture, both civilian and hero form, she was not in the mood for this.

And that picture clearly showed her mood perfectly.

"Ugh, that was unpleasant." The spotted heroine grumbled as she walked away from her.

"Well, I look great, of course, but your smile is wonky." Chloe flaunted, oblivious to Ladybug's annoyance. "I'll take another!" She tried taking another picture but was unable to with Ladybug walking away.

"Sorry, I'm camera shy." Ladybug excused herself, walking towards her amused partner.

"Looks like somebody's got a fan!" Chat Noir teased.

"Yeah, great." She replied sarcastically.

"So what's the deal? Why are you acting so weird? Come on, you gotta admit, having this girl worship you is pretty awesome." Chat Noir said, looking around the room until his eyes stopped when something caught his eye.

It was a drawing that he recognized Nathaniel draw of him and Marinette.

Though it did make Chat Noir a little happy to see Chloe draw a mustache and a unibrow on the drawing of the red head artist, remembering what happened today with his drawings out in the open made his blood boil.

"Chat Noir? Are you okay?" Ladybug asked, snapping her partner out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You look like you're gonna snap." She answered, pointing at the crushed picture in his hand.

Geez when is he going to stop breaking and destroying things today?

"I'm fine." He assured.

"Well I got to go and investigate. You stay here and protect Chloe in case Evillustrator comes back for his next attack." Ladybug ordered.

"Wait wait wait!" Chat Noir stopped his partner from walking any further. "You want me to wait here, by myself, with her?" He asked in horror.

"Well, yeah. Is there something wrong with that?" She asked, having no clue what was going through his mind.

Is staying alone with the girl that he could not stand for who knows how long an issue?

Yes! He wanted to scream out. But he didn't necessarily have a good excuse to give her besides the fact that Chloe was the most annoying girl on the planet. Anyone could see that. He'd rather lose one of his nine lives then spend even another second with her.

"No." He tried to choke out. "Not at all."

"Good." She smiled. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Later!" She swung her yoyo out and swung away with Chloe running out to where Chat Noir was.

"Ah! Ladybug! Text me, okay?" She yelled.

Marinette swung back to the windows of her bedroom and as soon as she stepped in, she detransformed back to her civilian form

She sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness I was able to get out of there alive."

She already got enough of her at school, not to mention she was in a group project with her.

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