Stormy Weather Part 2

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Back at the park, Adrien bought Armand the red balloon he wanted so badly.

"Alright, now that you got your balloon, can we please go back to the photo shoot?" Adrien asked, kneeling down to Armand's height.

Armand was about to answer until he spotted a Merry-Go-Round at the edge of the park.

"I want to go on the Merry-Go-Round!" Armand yelled and ran off.

Adrien ran after Armand and caught him by his hand.

"We can't. I have to get back to Marinette." Adrien said.

Armand responded by looking up at Adrien with a sad look on his face.

"You promised. You weren't going to break your promise, are you?" Armand asked with a sad tone in his voice.

Adrien already knew what he was going to do next. His famous puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, please not the puppy dog eyes. You know I can't say no to the -"

Adrien wasn't able to finish his sentence since Armand was already looking up at Adrien with his famous puppy dog eyes by widening his golden eyes and making his both sad and adorable face.

Adrien sighed. The look was so strong and it took him over.

"Alright..." Adrien sighed, giving in. Armand straightened his face back up with a smile and grabbed the blond teen's hand to lead him to the Merry-Go-Round.

Meanwhile, Stormy Weather was flying around but was not please with the sight when she saw multiple posters with Mireille's face on them. She stopped for a moment when a red balloon with Mireille's face on it floating in the air, blocking her path.

The akumatized villain growled at the sight as it was flying away. She looked down to see a kid crying. He must've let go of his balloon since the man who was selling the balloons, giving the little boy a friendly smile and offered him another balloon, which caused the kid to stop crying and smile.

Stormy Weather flew down to continue her chaos.

Marinette was still at her photoshoot, but was getting tired. Her tiredness showed on her face since the photos of her with her usual smile and poses were not replaced with a frown from exhaustion and she's pretty sure that the photographer took a photo of her yawning, but she didn't care. She's been here at the park modeling for hours and she's started slacking off. She didn't mean to, but she was just both bored and tired.

When is this guy going to let me off to hang out with Adrien and Nino? How many photos does this man need? She thought.

"No no no! The young lady has eaten too much spaghetti!" the photographer said in frustration.

"Uh, maybe we can take a break." Marinette suggested, hoping to catch one.

"No! We just need more energy! More romance! We need a... A boy!" the photographer announced. He looked around the park to find Nino sitting down on one of the benches with an apple in his hand. "You!" he said, standing in front of Nino, catching the young boy's attention. "I need an extra!"

Nino gave the photographer a confused look. "Who? Me?"

"Si, to pose with Miss Marinette." the photographer explained.

Nino immediately lit up when an idea popped into his head and stood up. "You don't want me, I... uh... I think I'm having an allergic reaction to this apple. I know just the person you need, be right back!" Nino said, faking his allergy by talking in an unclear voice and ran off to find Adrien.

He found Adrien with Armand, who was gently placing the little boy on one of the carousel horses. As he did so, Adrien took a sip of water from his water bottle and continued doing so as he found Nino running towards him, out of breath.

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