Chapter One - A Nightmare?

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A few weeks later.

Just when she got back from school and entered the house by using the front door key, she discovered that everything was dark when she stepped inside. She didn't know why, and didn't understand as well. Her parents were supposed to be home, because the two cars were parked outside on the driveway.

Nora Coney had expected some noises in the kitchen. Perhaps her father humming or singing softly with the song on the radio, together with her mother. She always did something to relax before she had to go into the kitchen again to cook a meal for the three of them. Her dad wasn't a type for relaxing. He has to be busy every minute, that's what he likes the most. At home, they don't speak about the day at the work floor.

As she walked through the hallway, flicking on all the light switches, she noticed a certain smell. Apple pie, fresh from the oven. The whiff of cinnamon had gotten stronger while walking through the long hallway, towards the living room.

Huh? Was there something to celebrate? Did I miss something? I bet this is some weird kind of dream where I've gotten ambushed, because I absolutely don't like surprises. I prepared myself for the worst as I walked into the living room - at least, I tried.


Her parents' enthusiastic voices made Nora scare up while she entered the cosy decorated living room. She was watching her own expression in the mirror which was placed right above the dinner table. Nora's green eyes were watching her as she slowly recovered from the shock. She started to look to her parents, who were watching her, still full with excitement.

''Eh, what is this all about?'' she asked with an unsteady voice.

Her mom and dad looked at each other, uneasily and searching for the right words.

''Well, love, you know we work hard...'' her father began. ''And we are well qualified doctors who've made quite a name around here.''

''Yes, congrats, I already knew that. Just tell me what you are trying to say to me,'' Nora said, annoyed.

Her mom continued, ''Nora, don't get upset, please... What your dad is trying to tell you, is that we both got an offer for a better placement for our kind of work. It's just that it's...'' - She sighed.

''What is it?'' Nora asked directly, while looking at her dad, expecting an answer from him.

''It's in England. We have to move. Nora, to England, because we got two better jobs offered there at the hospital. It means that we have to pack all our stuff in boxes within a few months. It depends on how fast this house gets sold. The estate agent will be here in an hour. We just wanted you to know, and to warn you. I know you're quite shocked, but there will be plenty of time to say goodbye to your friends, classmates and to pack all your stuff. We'll be busy, arranging all the important business, so we won't be there all the time. You do understand that, don't you?''

''Eh, of course I do. Sure, just go ahead, but don't think I'll be as excited about it as you are. Because -'' she wanted to rebel to this sudden life altering announcement, but changed her mind. ''Never mind,'' she said. ''I'm going to my room.''

She had to make an effort to stay calm and to not ran up the stairs while stomping as loud as possibly, because she still had her shoes on. As she walked to her room. She just realised: This is why her father called her love. And after that, she almost fell. Not quite hard, but she fell through a dark hole. And woke up.

''Damn it,'' Nora said. ''I hate this dream.''

She had been having this dream since the day her parents told her she had to turn her life upside down.

She remembered it all so clearly. After Nora heard it, she called her best friend Emily to tell her what's been going on. She was so angry. It didn't matter that she had seen her at school, one hour ago that day. She had to clear her mind and the best way to do that, was to talk to Emily.

Emily Abano is a typical Aries, adventurous and spontaneous. She is the opposite of Nora, with her direct speaking, but she gives great advices. Emily is the type of girl who would conquer the whole world and wind people around her finger with just one look. Big blue eyes, mind blowing blue, as if you would stare right into the Pacific Ocean. With these doll eyes, everyone around her gets dazzled or distracted. There is just one specific boy, who she can't get the attention of that she wants, even if she strokes her own soft blonde hair alluringly while looking at the crush she has had for years and years. Though, she is very lively, she is stubborn enough to wait for her Prince Charming.

Nora met Emily during the first year of high school. Emily was standing out because she had been looking very young for a first grader. Nora had skipped two classes at elementary school, so everything had become boring for her, even at high school. In between classes, she hung around with her headphones on while humming along with Jimi Hendrix. There wasn't anyone who wanted to be friends. All her classmates thought she was a typical nerd. So she got bullied and yelled at. That was, until Emily came sitting next to her during a break.

''Hmm, Foxy Lady, why are you sitting alone here?'' The girl with the blonde hair and the ocean blue eyes asked.

Nora took off her headphones and looked up curiously at the girl. ''Do you know the song?'' She asked in shock.

Emily started laughing and said: ''Of course I know Jimi Hendrix. We live in Seattle, there are so many memorials for this musician here. I think that it's general knowledge if you live here. Especially when you live next to the Jimi Hendrix Park.''

''How do you know that?" Nora asked, suddenly aware of the unknown girl sitting next to her.

''Don't get frightened, I just saw you cycling to school the other day, and today I finally recognised you here at school. So tell me, why are you sitting here alone?''

That was during the first week of junior high school, when they were both 13 years old. Nora had told Emily about the bullying, the names she was given by the bullies. Emily had told Nora that from that day on, they would be ''nerds'' together and that they both didn't care anymore, they had each other.

Nora's phone made a noise and she was aware that it wasn't the weekend anymore. Her alarm went off. She had to get out of bed and get ready. With a growl she directed her legs to the side of her warm bed. The sun was shining into her room which she had painted a soft shade of pastel purple. She got dressed with music turned on with the volume loud, putting on a light blue coloured blouse, combined with a pair of dark coloured skinny jeans. It had gotten colder, even though it was just the beginning of September. Her iPhone made a noise again, this time it was Emily, telling her to hurry up with her make-up and get as fast as possible to the entrance of the Jimi Hendrix Park. Nora laughed at Emily's enthusiasm so early on a Monday morning. She quickly brushed her hair and teeth, looked at her own reflection in the mirror and giggled about putting on make-up. Too much effort and it didn't even make her look better. She grabbed her backpack and got on her way to Emily, and to school.

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