Chapter Two - Coffee Date

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Nora caught sight of her best friend Emily. She was waiting under a big oak tree at the corner of the street and the park. The leaves were already falling down in a pallet of vibrant autumn colours. Emily stood next to her bicycle with an expression switching between impatient and her usual excitement.

''Nora! Finally,'' she said, added with a theatrical sigh. ''What took you so long? Don't bother to tell, I have more news to tell, you see?'' She held still when a sudden breeze swept the leaves out of order below us on the ground. Then, she immediately picked up her story. ''So, it's your last week in Leschi for now, and I can't let that happen without a proper party week. My plans were to – ''

Nora interrupted her with a stern voice. ''We still have school, and you know I want to behave properly.'' Even though she was heading to a new country, to a whole new school, living, society and all the other new, exotic things, Nora still wanted to leave a good impression at her old school.

''Don't act like that. You're still in America, you're almost eighteen, you can do whatever you want. In fact, we could already get you a birthday present! See it as a goodbye gift and a welcoming gift. Or just as a reminder that you have to get back to Leschi. Or wherever you want to be. Just relax, get up on your bike, we are heading to school right now, don't panic. You can play the nerd again when we are at school,'' Emily said with slight sarcasm.

''Fine, let's go. Please, let me wake up for now, I don't need all this excitement on a Monday morning,'' Nora said after she had yawned with her mouth wide open. ''It's a miracle you are not chewing on a fly right now.'' Emily laughed while she jumped on her bike.

On their way to school, Emily asked why Nora was almost falling asleep on her bicycle.

''Hmm? What did you say?'' Nora asked vaguely.

''Oh, lazy zombie. Don't use YouTube so much at night.'' Emily turned into a mother.

Nora rolled her eyes at her. ''Is this some kind of typical Italian thing? Telling me that I have to sleep early because my own mother doesn't say things like that? I just like to discover new music and music styles. You know it's some kind of addiction. As playing my mother, you should be thankful that I'm not on drugs or something like that. And as being my best friend, you should understand.''

''Okay, I'm sorry you haven't slept well for a while, I understand that during circumstances. I also know that you hate Mondays, so it must be a positive thing for you to see me, isn't it?'' Emily smirked childishly when Nora frowned.

''Fine, a good morning to you. Shall we hurry up? I still don't want to be late for school,'' Nora said.

After ten minutes, they arrived at school. The hallways were full of people chatting loudly about their weekend. Parties, sport matches, dates, music, a soft voice talking about drugs, homework, being grounded, fights with younger siblings. Different voices talking about different subjects and Nora already got a headache. Emily, on the other hand, got fed up with all the happening around her. She loves these kind of environments. She talked lively to a group of girls. Nora have known them for a short time, and it didn't bother her to see Emily with these girls. Her best friend had to find new someone new to replace Nora. It all seemed logical. Nora was going away and who knew if she would ever come back?

Emily glanced back at Nora suspiciously. Nora had found her locker and put her books in her back. She almost couldn't reach it because of the first graders. They always stood in the way. Nora sighed out loud, so the annoying pupils knew they had to go away. Nora smiled when they turned away, even when the chatter continued. Being older was an advantage at school.

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