Medusa's Snakes

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I can't let you go towards the bookshelf
To try find the working book of myself
With pages of different stages
Of the zones with different weather changes
You'll probably find why I turned ice cold
Or maybe why I prefer to walk alone
Maybe you'll find out why I can't stand to hold
Or maybe youll find the Medusa that turned me into a cold stone

With chapters and twists all around
Of places that I started from like the ground
Of lessons taught from a couple bonds
The ones that dried away like ponds
Bonds said to be for eternity
Something that let me think I seen everything with clarity

Not realizing it was being blinded with fog
As I play my loyalty roll like a dog
Going through this new discovered road
It took me by surprise walking alone
Adapting to the frozen weather that turned me cold
After I seen Medusa's snakes,turning me into a hard headed stone

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