Chapter 2

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The portal and time teleporter (Patt, we call it) was waiting in front of me and Carson. I looked at him as he picked up my favorite book.

"Please," I said grabbing his arm. "Why my book, let alone my favorite? Why not one of Ricks tools?" I pleaded with my eyes. Rick was shaking his head viciously.

Carson sighed as his eyes landed down on me. "Stop being so dramatic. We are testing out the machine for real and with something valuable. No more blow ups or system crashes. The book will go right back where it was before. We are sending it back in time, so it um... will be fine-ish."

My eyes rolled back as I crossed my arms. "Fine," the word came out in a groan. Staring at the ground, I waited for Carson to throw my book into Patt. I looked and the book was gone from his hands. Running over to where I had it last, I almost tripped over Lilith who was sitting in a chair that was right behind us. The coffee in her hands spilled on the both.

"Jackie," Lilith stood up. "It's okay I'm not mad so please just be calm." She grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Now go get your book."

I ran over to the spot where my book was last. The book appeared, I grabbed it, then jumped in the air over excitement. "We have completed the mission!" I yelled. We all celebrated and had a party. At least that is what I wished had happened.


First of it was not even my book, it was a chair.

I was standing by Carson as he lifted up the broken chair. "Go ahead, throw it in," urging him closer to Patt. He pulled the chair back over her head and threw it in. Silence, silence happened. The room was still as we all stared at the teleporter then at the X on the floor, where the chair was last. Back and forth there was glancing between the two. I looked at my watch, 10:48.

"What's going on, where is the chair?" John held his cat and pet him as he walked towards us. He whispered who's a good kitty making Carl purr. John looked up at us then back down at the cat.

"I don't understand," Carson walked away from the machine. "Why is this taking so long?" He grabbed a handful of chips from Lilith's chip bag. Carson put one chip in his mouth then chewed slowly. He was thinking something, I do not know what, but after he shoved all the chips in his mouth.

"Maybe the chair got caught in time," Lilith suggested giving Carson more chips.

"Or maybe," John came over and stood right in my face with Carl still in his arms. "The chair just doesn't like us," he looked at Lilith as she started laughing. Almost falling out of her seat when she saw John start dancing with Carl in rhythm with Lilith's laughs. Then John put the cat down when he started getting annoyed.

I walked over to Rick, whom was putting something together on his desk. "What do you think, Rick?" he looked up at me, setting down his handmade machine.

Rick sighed, "I don't know maybe it's just taking sometime," he shrugged. "I just made and designed the machine. Science is not much of my thing, you know that. I can do little of it. Science is your thing." Rick grabbed my shoulders and shook my as if I had some bell in my head instead of a brain.

"Fine," I grumbled. "I guess sense your our mechanic we might need another scientist. Someone who knows how things-" My gaze turned to the X on the ground where the chair had appeared.

"See what did I tell ya," Ricks Texas accent coming out when he smiled in excitement. Then Rick turned in fear. I looked at Patt, where Rick's gaze had landed. It was shaking like a bomb about to blow.

"What's going on with the machine?" Lilith stood. She was standing closest to Patt when it started sucking things inside and she was the first thing taken.

A/N: Yikes! Cliff hanger! Do not forget to vote and comment. Love all my readers. Remember I am updating next week! Byeeeee!

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