Chapter 3

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"Lilly!" John screamed running towards the mad machine. Carl jumped from his arms, frightened from Patt pulling different items into itself. "No, this can't be happening. Lilly can't, it just, uh I don't understand." John looked around. The broken chair was then pulled inside again. "Carl?" John turned to Patt, Carl was right in front of it frozen in fear. "Come here kitty," he edged toward the cat.

"John, don't!" Carson yelled to him grabbing my hand. "You can't, it'll pull you in, too." Carson seemed worried for John. After all, they did go through school together. John may be young, but he was smart enough in grade school to skip a few grades.

"I understand that he's your cat and he'll come to you," I shuffled my way towards Rick so I could grab his hand. Then, my gaze turned toward Carson, for his hand had left mine. He was running toward John. John grabbed Carl, Patt started pulling him inside. Carson reached out and grabbed his hand, but it was to late, they both got pulled inside.

"Jackie?" Rick looked down at me. "What are we gonna do? They just got pulled in. We can't just leave 'em, we gotta do somethin'." My eyes stared into him as I tightened my grip around his hand. My eyebrows knitted together as I was lost in thought.

"It isn't the best idea," I said. "But we need to follow them. If one goes, I say we all go." Rick looked at me as if I was crazy, but he knew I was right.

    "Okay then." Rick sighed

    We started walking towards Patt, then picked up the pace. Running, we made our way to Patt. At some point in time, I lost my grip on Ricks hand and he flew into the machine. All of a sudden my feet left the ground and Patt tugged me inside quickly. The last thing I remember seeing was my desk following me inside.

A/N: Sorry that I didn't update last week I was really busy but I'm going to update again to today. Please Vote and comment and even PM me if you'd like to!

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