Chapter 6

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"Is she alive?"The voice was familiar. 

Where am I?

"Yes," came an unknown voice. "She's okay. From the story you told me, about her falling out of the sky, this girl landed on the ground,"cold rubbery fingers touched the back of my neck. "And her neck landed on a tuffle weed. Do you know what the weed does Sir?"

"Yeah,"there came the familiar voice again. "Its a small spiky purple ball. It causes a person's vision to go blurry. Also can cause a person to get cold or hot, which ever is the opposite of the surroundings temperature. The person can faint or even..." There was a small pause. "Even death."

"You're Highness?" Spoke the unknown voice. What's with all these weird nicknames? You're Highness? Who is this man? "The girl is still breathing. She is not going to die. Your father may have died from this but she isn't able to." The person took a deep breath. "I don't know why."

I was tired of just listening to this conversation. My eyes flew open to see Nix with his mouth open about to say something to a doctor who looked like he could be off General Hospital. "What's going on? And I'm guessing the doctor isn't the royal one."

There was a needle in my arm that I pulled out quickly so I could get off the bed. Jumping off the cot, I got in Nix's face.

"Jackie-" He tried.

"You're royalty," I laughed out the fact. "And you decided that wasn't important to tell me? Honestly, I don't care about your royal high-ass. Just tell me why my eyes look like this."

"W-well," Nix stuttered looking at the doctor. "Can you just explain it to her Bentley?" Nix's face was full of fear of me, but why?

"Yes sir," Bentley looked at me and squinted. "Your eyes glow because you are some kind of roya. Do you know both of your parents?" Bentley fixed the pair of glasses he was wearing.

"Um, well," I thought about lying to them, but what would be the use. "I was adopted by a wealthy couple, but I don't think that's what you're talking about. So no, I don't and never did know my biological parents. But what do my biological parents have anything to do with the way my eyes glow?" Impatience and frustration flew through me.

"Jackie, calm down," Nix stepped toward me but I just glared.

"I'm just going to tell her, Sir,"Bentley stepped between us. "The golden eyes mean you're of royal decent. You have royal blood in you. Your gold eyes don't mean you're some sort of chosen one."

"But?" I pointed at Nix.

"Yes, he is of royal blood, but his eyes are not gold because you are not apart of this kingdom."

"I know. I'm from a different planet." I drew a circle in the air. "It's called Earth."

"I know," Bentley sighed in frustration. "You were adopted on Earth, but you are originally from this planet. What I am telling you is that you are not apart of the Max's royal family. You're the princess of the Xaycons. Your real father is Kaydox."

"And the reason for your eyes being gold comes from that kingdom," Nix jumped into the conversation. "The Xaycons are in charge of all the gold, silver, bronze- you name it they own it. 

"So you're telling that I was born royal, but was sent, or whatever, to Earth? How did that happen? Not the being born part, the ending up on Earth part?" I looked up at Bentley.

Bentley shrugged as he turned to Nix who was making a face.

"What?" I questioned. 

Nix shook his head, "Someone will explain it later."

I just rolled my eyes and fell back onto the hospital bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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