T w e n t y F i v e

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Chapter 25:

Lexi quivers in fear as she watches the doctor saunter over to Re first, as she was the closest to him, and uncaps a bottle of water when he's standing in front of her. He harshly grabs onto her chin and tilts it up, pouring the contents of the bottle directly onto her mouth.

Re, being the stubborn person she is, refuses to open her mouth, instead clenching her teeth down so the water spills all around her mouth and clothes. This must frustrate the doctor because he simply tightens his grip around her mouth so she screams out in pain, effectively opening her mouth and pouring the water in.

Re glares at him when he's done and he walks over to Lexi next. "You must be thirsty after the intake of all of those tranquillisers." He smirks as grabs a hold of Lexi's chin too, tilting her head back so it rests slightly on Caleb's back.

Lexi willingly opens her mouth because she is indeed thirsty. Riverfield pours the water messily down her throat and though it goes everywhere, Lexi can't bring herself to care when it's quenches her thirst in the best way.

She gulps it down quickly, choking a little at then end and sees Riverfield walks a few steps behind her to Caleb. She sees him pull a pot out of his pocket and get what looks like some pills out of it.

Lexi can feel Caleb's posture stiffen and she knows his head is bent down, looking at the floor instead of Riverfield. He tenses instantly when she feels Riverfield grab the locks on his head to force him to face up and she doesn't know if it was intentional but his bound hands feel around for hers until they're found and grasps into one of them tightly when Riverfield tilts his head further back.

She doesn't want to let him, but she her body seems to lack movement and lets him hold her instead of snatching her hand away from his grasp.

"Open your mouth." Riverfield seethes at Caleb.

The way he talks to him. It's like he's disgusted with Caleb. The pure hatred seeps through his voice and into his words when he utters the words directed to him and it's clear he loathes him.

Lexi senses that maybe Caleb doesn't comply with Riverfields demands because she turns her head slightly to see him grab his mouth harshly just as he did with Lexi and Re. But Caleb struggles more than the both of them combined, like he really didn't want to take the pills. Lexi wanders what they're even for until her question is answered almost instantly after she thinks it.

"If you don't take your anti-psychotics, how am I meant to torture you?" Dr Riverfield bellows causing Lexi to jump in fright. She had never heard him speak in such a manner before. It was terrifying. "I need you sane for this!"

And that's when Lexi understands why exactly Caleb seems different now. Like he was back to how he was back at the sanatorium.

"Why do you need him sane to torture him?" Lexi asks, bravely. "Why are you even torturing him?"

Riverfield's scowl slowly disappears when his gaze moves across to hers from Caleb. He smirks instead, letting go of Caleb and walking back so he's in front of her instead- bending down slightly so he's eye level with her.

"You always were quite curious, weren't you Miss Reid?" He asks, tilting his head at her as his smirk slowly disappears too. "It quickly became one of your most aggravating traits." He says scowling again, leaning further into her to showcase a threatening tone of voice.

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