Chapter 4

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Gill's Roadhouse has been packed all day with waits up to forty-five minutes for a table. Finally, I'm at the end of my double shift and grab a broom to start sweeping the floors. The roadhouse is a country style steakhouse where silver buckets of peanuts are placed at each of the tables and by the end of the day I can hear the crunch of the peanut shells with every step I take.

I had several tables with screaming toddlers throwing rolls at each other and one table with teenage girls that only left a dollar tip. I am beyond exhausted when Lily, one of the hostesses, begins walking toward me as I start sweeping up all of the shells from my last few tables. She is wearing a grin that stretches from ear to ear. "Hey Em, I'm sorry but I have to seat you one more table before you can close up."

I let out a huge breath. I was so excited to be almost done that I was beginning to hear my bed calling my name.

"Lily." I whine. "Can't you seat them with one of the other servers? You told me that my section was already closed. I really just want to go home."

"I'm sorry, he specifically requested you. I'll send him over and tell him to try and not make a mess." She winks and walks back toward her hostess stand.

I turn back around and I continue sweeping up the last remnants of peanut shells, cursing under my breath. Last minute customers are the worst. Just when you think you are home free they hold you up for at least another hour.

"Hey. I'm sorry if you were closing up but I just got off work a while ago and thought I could hang out while you finish and give you a ride home." Oh my god, that voice. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing it. I close my eyes and exhale before turning around.

Cam's standing by one of my tables with a hopeful expression on his face. He must be telling the truth about getting off work because he is still wearing the same black Cheddar's shirt he was wearing the first time I met him. Only a guy like Cam could make that uniform look sexy. He places his hands into the pockets of his black pants, involuntarily flexing his arms.

"Cam." I practically sing his name. What is wrong with me? "It's ok, would you like something to drink or eat?" I can feel the lump forming in my throat.

"I'll just take a water, thanks. I already ate at work, so you don't have to worry about me making a mess." He slowly begins to grin, as if he knew I made the remark to Lily about me not wanting a messy customer. I'll have to talk to her about that later.

As soon as he smiles, it makes me think of the other night. I haven't seen him in almost a week and couldn't stop thinking about the kiss he gave me on the cheek. It was the simplest of gestures but it would be the last thing I thought of before going to bed and the first thing I thought of after waking up. My eyes trailed their way down to his lips imagining them kissing and exploring other parts of my body. I tense at the images I'm playing in my mind. I can't seem to keep my thoughts straight when this man is within ten feet of me.

"It's no problem if you did want to eat, this place takes a while to clean up anyway. I'll be right back with your water."

I place the water at the table he's sitting at and begin to fill the sugar containers with new packets.

"So, is it ok if I give you a ride?" I had completely forgotten he had offered.

"Um, sure. I can just text Sara and tell her that she doesn't have to pick me up." I start to fill the salt and pepper shakers trying to avoid staring into his eyes too long. I'm rushing, trying to finish the last of my closing tasks.

"Did you ever find out what was wrong with your car?" He takes a sip of his water. I notice the way his lips wrap around the straw, sucking up the cool liquid.

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