I Came Here For Ice Cream, Not a Chat About How We Can Never Be Together


When I remember Ice Cream Queen asking for my number, I think of happy moments. Of the two of us laughing over clever remarks, of ice cream, and of the start of a happy friendship that may lead to something else.

So when the Friends theme song starts playing on my phone, I remember that that was the ringtone I set for her contact, with the distinct thought Hopefully, we won't be friends for long! Haha! running through my head. I also remember all the smiles we shared in just ten or so minutes, and all the times she's consoled me.

"Hi," she says coolly. Taken aback by her tone, I raise a brow. "I'm – um – hi?"

"Could we meet up?" Her voice has gone back to normal to some degree now; it's kinder, warmer, and more confident, albeit a little more removed than it typically is.

"Like a date?" I can't repress the hopefulness in my tone. As much as I don't think she and I are the perfect fit, I think we're a damn good one.

She pauses nervously. "Um." There's whispering on the other end. "Kinda?"

"I'm going to take that as a no," is my response, and her voice sounds slightly relieved when she responds: "Better than we iron out the formalities here and now than once you're there in your prettiest dress, looking stunning." My heart swells. How could it not? She's just squeezed it. "Because you would look stunning," she repeats, as if speaking the words once haven't satisfied her desire to get them out quite enough.

A light whack resounds through the phone, and I hear a whispered: "That wasn't flirting! It was true! And cleverly funny yet sweet, but that's how I always talk!"

"Sorry about that," she laughs, shuffling the phone next to her mouth. "Anyways – meet up in fifteen, ice cream place? This time, I won't be serving it. No one else will be there – it's closed at the moment, considering how late it is." As I check my phone, I note that she's right: it's 10:30pm according to my clock.

Great. Maybe at some point you can even learn her name, my mind whispers. I tap my chin, the thought consuming my mind for a brief moment. "Good plan," I mumble thoughtfully. "Good plan."

When I arrive, Ice Cream Queen's fidgeting on a barstool, gazing at her watch.


My voice echoes around the place, highlighting the uncertainty within it. As she turns her head, the light sparkles off her black earrings and draws even more attention to her than I was already giving her.

"Hello." Her voice, while normally slightly amused, powerful, and thoughtful all at the same time, is now wavering and unsure. Not as much as mine, of course. But still, it's shocking to hear.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" I blurt, the question having niggled at my mind since she first invited me.

"Because of her."

"That was possibly the least enlightening answer you could have given."

She laughs now, the tension broken – or at least cracked slightly.

"I could've just gone for a 'meh'. Be grateful, heathen!"

We both chuckle at this, and she beckons me over to sit upon a metal barstool alongside her. I do so, settling myself delicately upon it.

She turns to me, all humour erased from her face. The once grinning expression has been taken over by a genuine look of solemnity.

"Uh – she wanted...I wanted...to let you know something. To make something clear." She assumes an affected look of coldness.

"We cannot be together. I apologize if I, in any way, shape, or form, indicated that I wished that. You are an astoundingly beautiful, no, do not say that – you seem lovely, but I cannot be with you. You are meant for another. Pleasure speaking with you."

She reverts to her standard body language and down - to - earth nature, automatically slouching down slightly and taking on a more casual stance.

I don't know why I find myself regretting the change.

Coughing lightly, I pose a question. "Is that how you really feel?"

She nods vigorously – far too vigorously to not be suspicious.

"LIES!" I hiss. She stares at me humorously.

"Did you ask that solely so you could say – whoops, shout – that?"

"Goddamn right I did!" I scoff, much to Ice Cream Queen's amusement.

"Hey – there's something important that could determine the entire course of my existence – "

"What?" I ask, sure I'd misheard.

"There's a minor question I have for you – "

"Ah," I nod, accepting this.

"Your name is Daya...right?"

"Yes," I giggle. "What's yours?"

"You don't know my – " she exhales with mock - annoyance, " – wow. Fine. Okay."

Skeptical amusement is painted across my lips, whereas a flirtatious beam is dancing in my eyes. "Don't act so surprised, I'm sure you barely remembered my name!"

"As if. I remembered yours easily!" she denies. "Anyways, Daya – which I can say because I know your name – my name is Duke."

"Duke?" I repeat, the skeptical undertone leaving my lips and tracing through my tone.

"Yeah." Her voice is a little defensive, but her eyes show that she also finds my disbelief funny.

Something hits me and I laugh. "I always knew you were royalty of some kind."



She nods, confused in the most collected and clever way I've ever seen. "Of course. Well, I'd better get going, just wanted to tell you that."

Dazed by her sudden statement, I sit back in my chair. "Yes, of – of course. Nice seeing you, Duke."

She agrees, elegantly dropping the check down on the counter, and exits swiftly, looking back twice. I dismiss her odd behaviour, tired as I am. Eager to relax after a long day, I lean my head back –

– and snap it up far more quickly. Wait a second...we were never given a check to sign, nobody else is even here! I abruptly turn to face the slip of paper.

"What the heck?" I whisper.


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