That Moment When Your Crush Texts You, Not Knowing Who You Are Or Why You Are Interested in Them, But You Count it as a Success Anyways Because Your Life is Saddening


"Whose could it possibly be?"

The woman sitting across from me on the sofa looks mock - flabbergasted. "I don't know, Day, maybe that of a multicoloured Venezuelan penguin!"

I give her an amused look. "Come on, Arianna." Truly, I am thrilled that Arianna and I got past our awkwardness – even though I could have turned to my artist friends after I got that confusing slip of paper, I somehow wanted, no, needed the comfort of Arianna's presence. So I texted her, told her I needed help, and she said she'd be happy to provide it...I think she's inferred that I don't like her in that way, and she doesn't want to overstep.

She giggles cutely. "Yeah, I just wanted to say 'a multicoloured Venezuelan penguin'." Her expression grows serious. "In all honesty, Day, I think it's the number belonging to that mysterious woman your friend kept referencing."

Breaking through my confused daze, her words echo in my skull – and even begin to make sense. "Maybe you're right, Ari. But still..."

After a few seconds pass by, I can see her urge to prod an answer out of me growing. But she doesn't. Restraint is key to Arianna.

Putting her out of her misery, I continue, "Still, what should I do? That's a major question that remains unanswered."

She smiles. " could always text that number."

I frown. "Ehh..."

She giggles at this. "I understand reluctance, Daya, believe me – I understand the fear that you can't do it, that if you do, something bad will occur. That whatever obstacle you're attempting to surmount is insurmountable, and you shouldn't try. Being careful is important, and generally should be an extent." At this point, her face has turned serious, and I deeply feel how she is opening herself up to me. "But Daya – you need to take a leap sometimes. So go grab your phone, and text that number!" She chirps the last phrase, making it impossible for me to repress a grin.

"Okay, fine – hey, Ari, stop pushing me! I said fine! I'll do it!"

"Day, I want to see enthusiasm."


My phone pings.

"Omigod, is it her?" Duke squeals, flinging herself onto my cheap bed beside me as I pull at a loose strand of my sheet.

The mattress creaking is her only response.

"Aren't you excited?" she asks, a little more calmly.

I turn to her and nod. "Of course I am enthused. It is clear to see across this wreck of a human face."

"I beg to disagree!" my best friend denies. "Your face isn't human!"

That's enough to make me laugh – it's a short, painful bark of a laugh, but a laugh nonetheless.

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