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La's POV

"Wakey wakey." I hear someone whisper as the door squeaks then clicks closed.

"No I don't wanna." I roll over and face the wall and cover my head.

"Fine I'll just lay down with you then." I scoot closer to the wall and allow him room.

"Ok" I say yawning. I hear shoes slipping off and then the covers are being pulled back.

"So did you sleep good?" He says as he wraps his arms around me. I nod my head in response and turn towards him eyes still shut.

"That's good." He begins to rub my arm as I breath in deeply taking in his sweet scent. He always smells so good I could sniff him all day.

I open my eyes to be met with vibrant blue ones and a smile. Nash pokes my cheeks and I smile back.

"Good morning sleepy."

"Good morning. What time is it?" I ask

"Bout 12:30" he answers.

"I've gotta get up, but I don't wanna." I say.

"Why do you have to?" He asks.

"I need to go to the store for my mom, I've got to get Garlic and Paper towels." I step outta bed.

"Garlic and paper towels?" He ask sitting up looking at me.

"Yeah we ran out of garlic yesterday and mom needs it for dinner and I just need to get more paper towels. Oh that reminds me I need dish liquid also." He covers his eyes as I pull on some shorts and a random tee out of my closet. (Not the outfit up top)

"Okay I'll come to. Gotta pick up some things as well."

"Okay" I pull on my shoes and grab my keys. "Lets go."

"Mom I'm going to the store now." I walk into the kitchen and see her cooking lunch already, She's making soup.

"Okay honey. oh could you also pick up some shaving cream?"


"Ok be careful."

"Yes ma'am."

"See you later Ms.Kay."

"Bye Nash." She says then the door shuts.

"Can we stop for coffee?" He questions smiling.

"You really like that coffee don't you? Told ya it was awesomazing." I laugh

"I haven't used awesomazing in like 2 years." He laughs as I back up out of my garage and down the driveway. I pull into the little coffee shop and turn off the car. We both get out and head inside.

"Can we have 2 medium Vanilla frappes with extra vanilla and whipped cream only on one, please?" Nash says to the lady at the counter.

"That will be $10.68 please" she answers and Nash pays.

We get our coffee and get back into the car and head to the store.

"Okay Nash I know I tell you this every time we go into the store but don't ask for everything in here, okay." I tell him like a little kid and he fake pouts and answers.

"Yes mommy." In a little kid voice then we laugh.

"Let's go dork." We get out and head inside. We go our separate ways as he gets the things he needs for his house and I get what I need for mine then we leave.

"Oooooo this is my favorite song!!" Nash says turning up the volume on my Spotify.

"You say that about every song." I laugh as it starts.

"Going outta my mind these dayyys!" We both sing along to 'Beautiful Mess'

"Like I'm walking round in a haze......I can't think straight, can't concentrate, and I need to shave." We both laugh and continue to sing. <(Btw the song is up top if y'all wanna hear it!)>

I pull into the driveway and turn off the car.

"So you still riding with me later?"

"Yeah I'll be ready by 8 the party doesn't start till like 9 or something like that....now get outta my car, dork." I laugh and he pokes me so I call him a dork again.

We both step out and head to our own houses.

"Here we are mom!" I say setting down the garlic beside her then putting everything else up and head to my room.

I close my door and plop down onto my bed. Why am I so tired? I check the time and see it's only 3:00pm so I set an alarm for 6:00pm so I can get some sleep before the party.

I set my alarm and strip my clothes down to my underwear and put on some shorts and a tank top, flick my lights off and slip into bed with a sigh.

"Hopefully I'll get caught up on my sleep." I say as I drift off.



My alarm sounds to wake me up.

I slide out of bed and stretch.

"I'm so glad I took that nap." I say to myself as I walk into the bathroom to shower. I shower then get out and put some hair stuff in it. I walk out and look at the clock, it's 6:20 now so I still have some time to get ready without having to rush.

I wrap my hair in a towel to let it dry like that with the stuff in it, and wrap one around my body as I do my makeup. When I'm done, I fix my hair then put on my cloths. (Pic at top)

I finally check the clock again and it's almost 8 so I slip on my shoes and make sure my swimsuit is tied good. (I put my swimsuit on under my clothes in case I wanted to swim at the party.)

I hear a knock at my bedroom door as I'm changing my phone case.

"Come in." The door squeaks open.

"Hey." I hear behind me.

"Hi!" I turn and give Nash a smile and a hug.

"You look good and well rested, I was beginning to worry a little." He hugs back and he doesn't let go which is perfectly fine with me.

"Yeah I just took a 3 hour nap." I smile and laugh a bit still being held in his arms.

"That's good. Well you wanna eat before we head out?"

"Yeah!" I'm hungry after my nap plus the lingering smell of the food my mom was cooking adds to it.

We walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I get a bowl and fill it with the soup and Nash does the same.

"This is so good." Nash says as he eats his soup.

"I know right, mom makes the best potato soup ever."I say as I chew on one of the potato chunks. And he smiles at me so I smile back.

We finish our soup and and I put my shoes on and we say goodbye to my mom.

"Okay honey be careful, also Elizabeth and I are having a lady's night so we might not be here when y'all get back depending on what time y'all do, but just be careful you know how I expect you to act, don't get drunk." She hugs us.

"Yes ma'am ." We say in unison but I wouldn't get drunk anyway I've never been and don't wanna be. I don't drink that much but I do drink some.

"Okay love you both be safe." We walk out of the door and get into Nash's car.

"Where's Hayes gonna go if our moms are going out tonight?"

"He's staying the night over at his friends house." He says backing out of the driveway.

"Oh okay." I say turning in the radio.

We sing along to the music the whole way. We finally get to the party at around 9:50, park and walk in.


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