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"You're the princess, I'm the frog. It's not exactly difficult to figure that one out. And obviously, I'm an ugly, disgusting thing not worthy of your attention. The only difference to the fairy tale is that I'm actually not able to magically turn into a handsome prince, whether you throw me against a wall or try to kiss me. Therefore, you have every right and reason to be disgusted with me."

Hey guys.
I already mentioned this in the summary, but I'll say it again, to clear things up.


This story is basically written for a school project and the mark is going to make up quite a large portion of the end-of-the-year report. And no one really read it yet, let alone gave me feedback on it.

English is not my mother tongue, and I don't have much time left to submit the paper, but I thought that instead of searching someone out there to read it who may not even be that good at English , maybe some of you have more experience... Or at least you understand something about writing and can tell me whether the story even is interesting/good/promising, or not...

Therefore, I would really welcome any comments, thoughts, and critics, little language problems you stumble across and whatever.
Please don't give up after this author note yet, I'm still rewriting and I really hope that it will get better...

First chapter will hopefully get posted on Saturday, 24th of September.

And sorry for this awkward author note, I'm really not good with them.
See you next Saturday, hopefully.
I'll leave now.

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