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Was he being serious? Really? Who in their right mind would reject her offer of the golden jewerly in exchange for something any hotel could provide them with? Maybe there was some greater plan behind his request, yes, but Tiana somehow doubted that as she looked at him. Then again, she didn't know anything about this mysterious guy who'd just coincidentally appeared in the right moment to save her. Who said that he didn't have something even worse planned for her than those thugs who'd clearly just been after the money? Maybe he was some dangerous sociopath and that was why the other goons had bolted so easily. On the other hand, Tiana was glad that he didn't seem to want any sexual favours from her. After all, he had said something about wanting her to himself... But, God, Tiana really wanted back her phone.
Her thoughts were a jumbled mess, and she realised that she wouldn't be able to think clearly so long as she still stood here with her back against a brick wall, her body quivering and her hands empty. In order to make at least a little bit sense of this whole situation she'd need her phone back, something normal, something real she could hold onto, as stupid as that sounded.
"Oh, okay," Tiana eventually said just to say something, "Whatever you say. I promise that if you just bring me back my phone."

But she her mind was on something entirely different. He'd be better off staying where he was, in this run down part of the city with his own kind. There was no way he could possibly fit in with her and her family. God, the thought of him actually trying to do that wasn't only ridiculous, it also sparked a kind of outrage in her she hadn't known before. There was no way a ragamuffin like him could possibly come and live with her, a Holloway.

Upon hearing her promise, the guy just muttered something under his breath and didn't stick around much longer after that. He took off after the goons, stumbled after a few steps, regained his balance and then took up speed again before he, too, disappeared around a street corner.

Now Tiana was alone again. Here. Where she already got attacked once. Great.

Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea, after all, to set her priorities like this. Maybe her own safety was a little bit more worth than her phone... And she even preferred the presence of the guy over being left behind in this foreign part of the city, not knowing when she'd get jumped next. The anxiety that still had simmered in her from before intensified, and adrenaline pumped through her veins.

But, thank God, it didn't take the stranger long to return. There was sweat on his forehead and a rather grim look on his face, but a sparkly, golden iPhone in his hand nonetheless.
Instantly, like a switch turned, Tiana's worries began to fade away and excitement bubbled in her chest as she eyed the precious object. She already reached for it before the guy even came to a halt. However, just before her fingertips actually were able to touch her most beloved thing, he held it back out of reach, glaring down at her despite his lesser height.

"Hold your horses, will you, princess?" he panted, then caught his breath and glared at her some more. "I won't give it back before you tell me your full name so I can actually hold you to your promise should you somehow try to wriggle your way out of it," he stated, his face once again an unreadable mask. "And don't you dare to even try to do so."

"Of course, of course," Tiana muttered absent-mindedly, her attention focused solely on the electronic device in his hand. "It's Tiana Persephone Holloway. Now, can I have my phone back?"

technicolor dreams • a modern fairy taleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن