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• Thanks. For putting up with this. From now on, I won't bother you with any more author notes and instead just let you enjoy (?) my crappy writing and hopefully somewhat understandable English. •


Only a fragment of the sky was visible through gaped between the rooftops, but the glimpse of washed-out colours he caught there was enough to ruin Xenopus Kingsley's whole day. Rainbows were something he couldn't stand for the life of him.
In the twenty years of his existence he had come to love many things and come to hate just as many. But even when there were times he had been in love with the way the sun shone through the shards of broken windows, and in love with the sound of the wind when it howled through cracks of the house, and in love with rain splattering against his barely clothed skin, never once had he been in love with the way the sky brightened after an exceptionally horrible thunderstorm, when rays of light broke through the gloomy clouds and created a colourful wonder of nature. Never once had he believed in the hope rainbows promised; that even after the darkest of times, light could come and bring a happy ending.
Xenopus Kingsley had given up on believing in fairy tales.

So, when he looked up this particular afternoon, when he lifted his gaze above the tiled roofs surrounding him, and caught a glimpse of the rainbow, an unwell feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Whereas a young couple a few steps away from him paused and pointed and smiled and laughed, he could only swallow the bile that rose in his throat and hope that, for once, his feeling would deceive him.

But, this wasn't a time when when wishing still did some good, and by now, Xenopus should have learned that his wishes never came true.


• Alright, I lied. Here's one more author note since I have to say a few more things.
Firstly, yup, that was the first chapter, and yup, the chapters will eventually get longer but not quite yet.
Secondly, I'm updating now whenever I've edited a chapter of the first draft, so hopefully the updates will be quite frequent. But that also means that it's not that great and I'm still struggling with some parts. Therefore, as annoying I'm being right now, I'm saying once more that feedback and comments are greatly appreciated.
And thirdly, I now shut up and wish you a great journey with my dear frog king and his princess •

technicolor dreams • a modern fairy taleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon