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The flashy, golden iPhone 6 caught Xenopus' eye and, judging by the movement that came to life around him, he wasn't the only one who'd spotted her. Despite his own, not exactly pleasant situation, he couldn't help the smirk that played on his lips as he noticed how fidgety the girl acted, as if she expected to be jumped any moment.

Well, she wasn't wrong, but it was still quite amusing to watch her. Especially since she looked like she'd jumped out of the latest horror movie with the whole blonde-bimbo look she had going on. With her high heels that clacked on the asphalt unnervingly, her dainty yet sexy designer dress that swirled around her slim body, and the Prada purse she clutched to her chest she fulfilled practically every cliché.

And if the sun shone a little dimmer, even the setting would be right for shooting a spontaneous horror flick. Even more so when Xenopus caught sight of a group of men that were coming together at the edge of the road. They looked suspiciously as if they were making plans to kidnap the chick.

Not that Xenopus would particularly mind if they did, hell, if he had one he'd probably whip out his phone and film the whole thing so he could sell it afterwards. But the rainbow had made him wary. He couldn't remember a single time where he'd seen a rainbow and actually had something good happen to him that day. Not that good things happened to him at all.
Still, there were these thoughts nagging at the back of his mind, ideas he just couldn't suppress even though he tried to. The situation was almost too good to be true. A helpless chick, a few gang members who were going to threaten her and therefore just waited to be roughened up. Xenopus could make the appearance of the knight in shining armour then and earn the reward afterwards - or, if she didn't want to cough up the money, he still could go with the whole kidnapping-thing.
It was the perfect chance, so to speak. The chick looked as if she was more than able to stump up money, one way or another. And money was just what he needed, after all. Without money he wouldn't get anywhere. Hell, he could even go and get more of his drugs-

Xenopus backtracked in his train of thought. No, that wasn't what he had planned to do. Because what would come after his next fix? He once again would be happy for a while then come down from his high and find himself back in the same position he was in right now. Drugs were only temporary solution, nothing more. And he had promised himself just an hour ago that he wouldn't go back down this road again.

Therefore, when his ears picked up the sound of a jack-knife being flicked open, he pushed all the overthinking thoughts to the back of his mind. Instead, he focused on the whispers and the dark figures that began to move towards where the rich chick had disappeared around the street corner. The unwell feeling in the pit of his stomach rose again although Xenopus wasn't quite sure what the cause of that was. He still debated whether he actually wanted to go through with his little plan of intervening in the rich girl's personal horror flick despite the easy way out he still had.

Turning a blind eye to her fate and walking away was something Xenopus would have done mere hours ago.

But now he had made himself the promise to change his ways. And what better way was there to start changing than by helping someone else for the first time in his life? Sure, he wasn't completely altruistic in this decision, but, it was all about baby steps, right?

Before Xenopus consciously decided to do it, his body set itself into motion and followed the three men light-footedly, while he made sure not to attract any attention before it was time for his appearance.

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