Chapter Twenty-Two

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Quick Note: I don't know why but while I was writing this chapter and watching the TV show Chuck the song I posted came on the episode I was watching which happened to be a romantic one too and I thought it fit for this chapter. Enjoy the photo as well, the restaurant is real and when I had dined there it was called Horizons hahaha now its called Trident so I added that in there when I looked it up for its menu and pictures. =P



My mind is blank as I stared at the paperwork in front of me. Is it really almost that time already?

I could feel the fear start to creep up my back. I turned on the overhead fan to circulate the air so I didn’t sweat into the dress I am wearing. Why did this have to come in the mail today?

I gulped reading over the rules, regulations and conditions of Jerry’s release. I received these from my lawyer so that I am aware in case he does show up and break any of the rules of his probation. I also had to sign the new restraining order and return it to my lawyer soon as possible. So that it will go into effect immediately upon his release in six weeks’ time.

My therapy would be complete in a month. Two weeks after that Jerry would be out. I didn’t care or want to know where he would be or go. Just as long as it wasn’t anywhere near me. I knew this paperwork was coming, but I didn’t want to think about it. Not today, not on date night.

Evan would be here soon and I chose this moment to look over my mail. Why couldn’t I have waited until after the date? I didn’t want this to ruin my mood or how excited I am to be going on a real date and especially with him. Seemed like no matter what I did, somehow Jerry managed to make it awful for me and he wasn’t even here.

I pushed the papers aside on the coffee table getting up to let Boxer out to go do his business before Evan got here. Plus I needed the air.

In therapy, I haven’t really talked about my fears of his release. I hoped he would just leave me alone since he would be on probation and from what I understood he would have a monitor on his ankle for two years. Knowing Jerry, it wasn’t in his nature to let things go if he felt betrayed.

I tried to put it all out of my mind and focus on the evening ahead. The knock on my door made me jump.

“Okay buddy inside, mommy has a date,” I told Boxer herding him back inside.

I double checked myself in the mirror. The forest green cocktail dress I wore I hoped was not overdressed. It was a simple wrap around dress, long sleeved, low cut, but not plunging and hung just snug enough around my body and loosely enough for comfort. I had on a low heel black mule shoe as well and wore my hair loosely around my face and shoulders. Nothing too fancy. I didn’t want to seem too eager to be going out.

“Hi,” I said smiling as I opened the front door. Evan’s eyes slowly made their way up and down my body finally resting on my own eyes.

“Lovely Sonja, as always, good evening,” he extended his hand to take mine pulling me gently out the door letting me lock it.

I took in a breath at the sight of him. He had no jacket on just a black buttoned up shirt, again with the sleeves rolled up a quarter of the way and black slacks on. He always appeared so debonair and made my heart hammer wildly despite my worried mood. He could make a robe and boxer shorts look extraordinarily sexy…I assumed…

He held my hand in his holding me close as we walked out to his car.

“Have you been to Horizon’s before?” he asked opening the car door for me.

“No actually,” I chuckled.

“Good you’re going to love it. Now I seem to be doing the cliché thing,” he winked at me shutting the door. I remembered the first time we went to dinner he said seafood seemed to be cliché so I assumed this restaurant was seafood cuisine. That wasn’t really a date though.

On The Couch [Editing]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang