Chapter 22- Starbucks

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The car ride is quiet. Talia doesn't say anything and neither do I. All I can think about is Talia, and how much I really love her. After 2 more minutes, we get to the diner. I shut off the car and went around to the other side of the car quickly, and I open the door for Talia. We had to park in the furthest spot from the diner in the parking lot. I put my hand on Talia's back protectively as we walk towards the diner and go inside. Talia walks over to the counter-top area of the diner and I just follow her. I sit in a chair along the counter and wait for Talia to be ready.

It's almost 8:00, and Talia looks really tired.
'Hey Talia?' I ask.
'Yeah what's up?' She says.
'I am gonna run to Starbucks and I was wondering if you want me to bring you back anything.' I say.
'Uh, yeah sure.' She says.
'Okay what would you want?' I ask as I smile.
'Um..can you get me a Caramel Iced Coffee please?' She asks me.
'Of course. I'll be back in a little while. Bye.' I say then smile.
Talia says 'Thank you Austin. Bye.' and then I wave to her before I walk back outside to my car.

I get in my car and drive down the road to Starbucks. I pull into a parking spot and I realize there is a lot of teenage girls here, so I put my sunglasses and beanie on so hopefully nobody will notice me. I get out of my car and walk inside, making sure not to draw attention to myself, or else I'll be noticed by these girls and they will all crowd around me. I order myself a Vanilla Latte and then I order Talia her Caramel Iced Coffee. They employee asked me what name to put on them and I said to put 'Austin' on the Latte, and 'Talia' on the Talia's coffee. I smile to myself as I see the women working there write my name on the one cup and then Talia on the other. The coffee is done in like 5 minutes so I just stand against the wall and wait.
I look at my phone and check my Instagram and Twitter. After I look through both of them, my name is called. I pay for the 2 of them and say thank you before I walk back outside. When I get into my car, I put the 2 coffees in the drink holders then I decide to tweet 'Just left Starbucks! Yum!'
I put my phone in my pocket then I start driving down the street back to the diner. I take off my sunglasses as I'm driving, but I leave on the beanie since my hair's a mess. As soon as I take off my sunglasses, my phone rings. It's my mom. She's coming back from Texas today so she's probably at the airport or something. I told her yesterday about Talia, and she says that she really wants to meet her.
'Hey mom' I answer.
'Hey honey! What's up?' Mom says.
'Heading back to that one diner we always go to, because I went out to Starbucks and I told Talia I would bring her something.' I say.
'Oh! That's so nice of you sweetheart! I really want to meet her!' Mom says.
'Yeah. So where are you?' I ask.
She says 'I am waiting at the airport for my plane to be called. It's supposed to board in like 5 minutes.'
I say 'Oh that's cool! So you'll be here by this afternoon right?'
'Yeah. Why?' She asks me.
'Well I was wondering if you were taking a cab or if you wanted me to pick you up. And also I was gonna ask you if maybe you wanted to meet Talia tonight, because I could ask her I go out to dinner with us.' I explain.
'No I'm taking a cab. It's okay. And yes of course! We can go to Olive Garden!' She says excitedly.
'Ok! Yay my favorite! What time should I ask her to go?' I ask her.
'Um I don't know. Maybe like 7:30? Is that good?' She asks me.
'Yeah that's great! Okay well I have to go. See you later mom! Love you! Bye!' I say.
'Okay honey. Love you too! See you later bye!' She says then hangs up.

I pull back into the diner's parking lot and get out. I reach in and grab our coffees then I close and lock the door. I carry our coffees over to the countertop area where Talia is. Talia sees me come over so she walks over to where I am.
'Hey Austin' She says.
I hand her coffee to her and say 'Hey babe. Here's your coffee.'
'Oh my god thanks Austin!' She says.
'No problem babe.' I say then smile.
I sit in an empty chair and I drink my coffee. Talia still has to work so I figured I would just ask her about dinner tonight later, when I drop her off at her house.

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