Chapter 39

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When I get to my house, I get out of my car and lock it, then I walk into my house.

'Mom I'm home!' I yell as I start walking towards the kitchen where I smell something cooking.

'Hi Austin. Do you want some breakfast?' My mom says as I walk into the room.

'Yeah sure.' I say.

She puts bacon and French Toast on a plate then walks over to where I'm standing. She hands me the plate and a fork and knife. I sit down at the kitchen table and start eating.

I'm starving.

While I'm eating I can only think about the VMA's. I'm performing and I'm really nervous about it. What if my voice cracks? What if I mess up the words? I can't mess up, that would be so embarrassing.

But at least I'll have my beautiful girlfriend and my 3 best friends there with me, and also my mom. I wouldn't know what to do without all of them.

I finish eating and I put my plate in the sink then I go upstairs to my room.

I sit down on my bed and go on my phone. I go on twitter and I tweet 'Goodmorninggg!'

I then tweet about the VMA's and say 'So excited for the VMA's Saturday! I'm performing! It's gonna be a great night!'

I close my twitter app and go on Instagram. I post a picture of me laying in bed on my stomach, without a shirt on, with the caption 'Goodmorning! What's everyone up to today?'

Almost instantly I get a bunch of likes and a bunch of comments. I read through the comments and some of them make me laugh. All my Mahomies are freaking out about the picture because you can really see my eyes.

Some of the comments from my Mahomies were,

'Omg your eyes!'

'holy crap your eyes are amazing'

'Your eyes are perfect'

'Oh my god those eyes!'

'I absolutely love your eyes!'

'Holy mother of god your eyes are perfect'

'Omg you are literally the definition of perfection'

I smile and then look through my timeline on Instagram.

By the time I turn off my phone it's like 10:30am.

Talia said she would be done work around 11, and that she was going to go home and get changed then meet me at my house around 12.

I decide to get ready.

After I get done I walk downstairs and sit on the couch with my phone for a little while until Talia's gets here. My mom's upstairs getting ready so I just wait.

Around 12:10 the doorbell rings. I open the door and I see Talia standing there. She's beautiful.



Yay! posting a chapter at 1:17am! I really need to go to sleep haha:P

Thank you guys so much for reading!

Please comment and vote:) Thanks:)

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas that I can use in this fanfic, you can tweet me or kik me. Also, tell me what you guys think...

My twitter is: 1DMahomie456

My kik is: Aimee_loves_1D

okay well goodnight.


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