Chapter 30- You're sick babe

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I wake up a little before 8 am. Talia's still asleep on my chest. She mentioned to me yesterday that she doesn't have to go to work today so I'll let her sleep longer. I don't want to move around to me or try I get up because I'm afraid that I'll wake her up. So I just reach over and grab my phone off my little bedside table and I decide to go on twitter.
I tweet 'Gooooodmorningg!'
And almost instantly my mentions blow up. That's why I love my mahomies, they always tweet me really nice things and do a bunch of other really sweet things for me. I love them sooo much! I check through my recent mentions and look at a few accounts that I follow, then I close my phone and put it back on the table I had it on before. I just lay my head back down on the pillow and relax until Talia wakes up.

It's almost like 9 before Talia wakes up. When she does, she turns her whole body towards mine and cuddles up into my side. I don't think she's fully awake. I wrap my arms around her and cuddle with her. She's shivering, but it's the middle of summer. How can she be cold? She might have a fever and be sick. I kiss her forehead, it's like really hot. She definitely has a fever.
'Goodmorning baby' I say quietly into her ear.
She mumbles something back, but I can't hear what she said because she's speaking into my shirt pretty much.
She sits up and wipes her eyes. She leans down and puts her face in her hands, and she rubs her forehead again and again.
'Babe do you feel okay?' I ask.
She looks up at me partially and responds, 'No not at all'.
I reach over and feel her forehead again with my hand.
'You have a fever babe.' I say.
Just as I say this she gets up from the bed and runs to the bathroom. I hear her throwing up so I go in the bathroom after her.
She is sitting on the ground at the toilet, throwing up. I walk over to her and hold her hair back while I rub her back soothingly.
She looks up at me when she's done and says 'I'm sorry'.
'Babe, don't be sorry, it's okay. You're sick. I think we need to get you home.' I say back to her.
'Okay' She says softly.

I help her up from the floor and guide her back into my room. I sit her down on my bed while I go over to my closet. I change my shirt and throw on shorts over my boxers that I was wearing. I look at my hair in the mirror and it's all messy, so I just put on a beanie.
I turn around and walk back over to Talia. As I'm walking over to her, she's putting her hair up in a bun. I sit down next to her and say 'Okay. Do you wanna go?'.
'Yeah..' She says quietly.
She stands up but almost loses her balance so I wrap my arm around her waist. I guide her downstairs and into the kitchen, where I find my mom.
She turns around and sees us.
'Goodmorn-' She stops talking and looks at Talia.
'Talia are you okay sweetie?' She says.
'Mom, Talia's sick. She has a fever, so I'm gonna take her home. I'll probably stay with her today at her house. I'll call you later.' I explain.
'Okay Austin.' She says.
As we are about to walk out the door, my mom yells 'Feel better Talia!'
I quickly walk Talia to my car and help her in, then I get in the car myself and start driving to her house.

Talia doesn't say anything during our car ride and neither do I. When we get to her house, I turn off the engine and walk over to the passenger side of the car. I help Talia out of the car and we go up to her door. She looks in her bag and finds her key. When she unlocks the door, we both walk inside. Talia looks so tired so I ask 'Where's your bedroom?'
'There's one around this corner and then two upstairs.' She says as she points to the right corner of the hallway and then upstairs.

I pick her up bridal style and she holds on to me around my neck & leans into my shoulder. I carry her around the corner and into the bedroom. I sit her down on the bed and then pull out the sheets for her. She crawls up the bed and lays down. I pull the covers up over her and she looks at me.
'Do you want anything babe?'
'Maybe just medicine.' She says.
'Okay. Do you have any?'
'Um no I don't think so' She says quietly.
'Okay, I'll go out and get some for you. I'll be back in like 10 minutes. Try to get some sleep babe.' I say then smile.
I walk over to her and kiss her forehead. 'Bye babe. I'll be back soon.' I say.
'Ok bye' She mumbles.
I walk out of her room and go outside to my car.

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