22. hands beneath the table

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This is the revised version of Attraction

Tom drove up to the entrance of a large hotel made out of countless red bricks and huge windows. He let the engine purr, watching me silently. I got the feeling that I was supposed to leave the car.

"Uh...are you dropping me off?"

"Have to park the car."

"Tom, you're not my driver. I can walk from the garage as well."

His eyes widened for the fraction of a second as if struck by realization. "True. Guess it's habit."

I chuckled because he was strangely cute when he looked a bit lost. "Well, you're my husband. It's weird when you treat this as a job rather than simply picking me up."

He put the gear back in position and drove forward. "I'll try to remember."

We took the elevator up to the lobby, but the ride wasn't long enough to build any additional tension. I had this urge to give him a kiss although my nerves kept me still. I wasn't entirely sure why I was nervous, but just thinking about having these new dynamics with Tom while the others could see us made me queasy. I'd never had any problems to flirt in front of others, but the stakes. The stakes!

"I think the others are at breakfast. Have you eaten?" Tom asked.

"I had an apple on the train."

"Well, a second breakfast wouldn't hurt then."

I was about to say that I wondered what I could do to burn the extra calories when the elevator slowed and opened to the grand foyer.

Tom led the way to the long reception desk where a guy greeted us with a short nod. "What can I help you with, gentlemen?"

"We're here to register another guest in room 312. Add him to the breakfast list today and tomorrow."


"Joachim Carson," Tom replied.

I almost choked. He'd used the wrong surname. He'd used his surname. Had it been a slip? Had he forgotten my name or did he want to make it easier for the receptionist? I wasn't sure what to think, but my body knew exactly how to feel. My skin sizzled like someone had plugged me in to some kind of electric current.

The guy nodded again, and after some fiddling, he placed a keycard on the counter. "Welcome, Mr. Carson."

I glanced at Tom, watching him smile conspiratorially before I said, "Thank you."

The need to confront Tom about this 'slip' was next to overwhelming, but it seemed like a bad idea to do it while the receptionist could listen in.

"Should we leave your bag in the room before breakfast?"

I thought about it. Really hard.

"Not sure we'll have time for breakfast if we go upstairs first."

"Is that so?"

My skin hadn't stopped sizzling, and this exchange certainly didn't help. "Absolutely certain."

"Very well then, let's have breakfast." Tom's suggestive half-smile was life.

The first person I saw inside the breakfast lounge was Chris, standing in line to the food. The second he saw me, he broke out in the widest of smiles.

He walked closer. "Joah, what are you doing here?" Holding his plate out of the way, he opened up for a hug.

"They didn't tell you?"

Attraction - a fraudulent marriageWhere stories live. Discover now