25. Virginia (new)

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This is an entirely new chapter of Attraction :)

We drove directly from Baltimore the day after the fight. Tom had pointed out that everyone needed space to cool down, but no matter what he said, it felt like we left the others in the lurch. Chris and Dante had been silent, whereas Lara had ushered us to go ahead, perhaps fearing that Tom would change his mind if given too long to think. She'd also allowed us to take the car, leaving herself and the others without a vehicle. She was a complicated woman to understand. At times, I disliked her. Other times, I saw someone who fought for others so they could achieve their dreams.

"Too bad we missed the party last night. I'd planned to make you dance," I said. We'd skipped the night club after the row. No one had felt like going out.

"I don't dance."

"Do you doubt my persuasion skills? I can be very convincing."

Tom pressed the pedal closer to the floor, driving past a slower car. We'd been at it for less than an hour, so we still had a long way to go.

"When it comes to dancing? Most definitely."

"We shall see." I'd wanted to see him move that body to music since I first lay eyes on him.

"Was that a challenge?" he asked.

"You afraid?"

"Not especially." Deadpan. His expression went beyond neutral. Perhaps he would make a fine actor if the performance required hidden amusement behind a stoic façade.

"So, are we going to call your brother?" Might as well put up a second challenge while we were at it.

"I don't have his number," Tom replied.

"I'm sure I can find it."

"Wouldn't bet on it."

"Was that a challenge?"

Tom chuckled. "Guess it was."

"I'll give it my best." I fished out my phone and began operation Find Luke. All I had was his name and location, but hopefully that would be enough. That is, if Luke still remained in Virginia at all. I thought it likely that Luke had moved to a bigger city at least, leaving home and all that, but Tom disagreed.

"No one leaves Smithfield," he'd said. Which had been a false statement, as proved by his presence.

I continued my search, hopping around social media to get a lock on him. He wasn't on Facebook, much to my dismay, but I did find someone on Instagram. I scrolled through some photos, wondering why they were kept public.

The guy I glimpsed in some of the photos was thin as a rail, but if I squinted, I could see a possible family resemblance.

"Is this him?" I held the phone where Tom could see.

"I'm driving."

"Just take a look. It'll only take a second."

Tom checked only to focus on the road again. "I don't know. It's been more than a decade since I last saw him."

"I'll send him a message."


"It's just a message. Come on, we have to start somewhere."

"You want me to contact my brother, who I haven't spoken to in fourteen years, on Instagram?"

"Or, we can drive to the house. I honestly think he's missed the whole privacy setting. There's an invite to a birthday party."

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