The Prophecy. Chapter 7

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300+ reads ? Tf ? Omggf. I'm floating like floating. Thank you guys so much. I can't fathom how I feel rn.

I sit up and face William, waiting for him to recover from his shock and get me the glass of water. I feel fuzzy and dizzy but I need the water before I fall back into my slumber.

"Here" William says as he put the glass on my lips and beckons on me to do my part by drinking.

I drink the water as though I haven't had water in years.

"How long have I been out ?" I ask myself.

"Long enough" My wolf replies me, I haven't heard from her in a while. I can feel her at the back of my mind but she only shows up when she needs to.

I'm very sure it looked like I was having a mental battle with my mind with the look William was giving. Suddenly feeling as if someone or something sucked out my energy, I grab Williams hand and lay back down.

"Are you okay baby ?" William asks as he makes a motion for me to scoot over for him. I do as I'm told. "I'm okay, just a little bit tired." I reply as I snuggle with him. "What happened ?"

"Well you––I mean–You need to rest" William tries to smile but it comes out as a grimace.

As if he put a spell on me by saying those words, my eyes begin to drop slowly, fighting the sleep I look at William who is already staring down at me, "I want to try this–I mean the both of us" I say sincerely.

"We'll talk about this when you wake up fully" William answers as he places a kiss on my forehead. "Now go to bed"

"Hmmm" I sigh.

"Don't think I forgot about my question" I say before I release myself.


William Vladimir (Surprise !)

"We need to tell Violet" I say as I untangle myself from Violet but not completely removing my hand from her.

"But how ?" Her dad asks

"I don't know but we need to do it soon. Leave us" I wave them off.

I still don't understand how these people didn't tell their child about the most important thing in her life. I mean, how does the moon goddess feel about them leaving our this vital information.

I wrap my hands around Violet and lift her so she's practically sleeping face down on my body. I wanted to burst when she said that she was going to try and give me a chance. I felt so happy but it was short lived because I know what the future holds and it doesn't look too bright.

I just pray we figure this out. How long would I keep this up though ?

"William..." I whisper

I reach for the other side of the bed but I don't feel him.

"Where is William ?!" I bolt out of the bed and rip the needles out of my hand. I stumble out of the room into the hallway, I look around with wide eyes until I spot William walking towards me with a confused look.

"What are you doing out of bed ?" He carries me and brings me back into the room.

"I was looking for you" I mumble and close my eyes when I feel my body connect with the soft bed.

I blink my eyes open and look around, I'm in my room and I hear William snoring beside me.

"William" I say as I shake him awake.

"I'm awake" His voice still thick with sleep.

"I'm hungry" I mumble.

"Okay. I'll be back" He stands up from the bed and puts on his pajamas trousers. My face turns beet red when I noticed that he only sleeps with his boxers on.

"Shut up" I growl when I catch him smirking.

A little while later, William walks in with a tray filled with goodies. There was pancakes, black pudding, sausages, bacon., the list goes on.

My mouth starts watering at the sight of the food but I instantly remember the question I asked William in the infirmary.

"Before I eat, tell me what's going on" I turn and face him. I see him visibly tense when I ask him.

"I-I-Well" He stammered.

"Spit it out William!" I exclaim.

"We are going on a vacation" He blurts out, looking everywhere but my face.

"Stop lying William"

End of Chapter 7.

Sorry for the late update. School has started here.

I'll try and update as fast as I can't. I'm in my final year in High school so it'd be hard.

Thanks for the 300+ reads. I appreciate it.

Anastasia ❤

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