The Prophecy. Chapter 9

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"I woke up this morning with a beautiful girl beside me and I'm overjoyed. I'm going to plan something good for Violet today, I just have to" I say into the phone.

"That's cute and all but we have to start planning" Lala replies, I could almost see the eye roll.

I woke up this morning and the idea of planning a surprise party swarm its way into my head. It's not like her birthday or anything but she has been through a lot in the past few days and I just want to show her that I'm there.

"We have to make this thing good" I say to Lala.

"Captain Obvious, thanks for the information" She retorts back.

"Whatever. Meet me in the new house by 9." With that I hang up the phone and head my way to the bathroom.

I've been supervising the building of our new house but Violet doesn't know anything about the new house. I've kept it as a secret since the time I came back. I take off my clothes a jump into the shower.
Ten minutes later I'm done, wrapping my towel I walk into the room and quickly dress up. After I'm done with that, I head downstairs to meet Violet who sat at the counter sipping her coffee. I walked behind her and placed my hands above her eyes causing her to not be able to see.

"I already know who you are" V said in a bored tone.

"You sure? What if I was some kind of stranger?" I said grinning.

"Then you wouldn't want to know what I would've done, now take your hands off my eyes, I think you made me blind" V said grumbling.

I take my hands off her eyes, she scowls at me and rubs her eyes.

"Are you ready ? I'm heading out now. Come on !" I say grabbing the car keys from the table with an annoyed grumbling V.

I laughed loudly, I opened the car door for V but instead she opened the other door and sat in the backseat with her hands folded with a scowl on her face.

" Oh, come on!" I said as I closed the door and entered the car and drove off. Every five minutes I would glance at V, who's face had softened now. I smiled like a mad man when she saw this she threw me a glare.

"I really don't know why you're so bubbly today, it's really annoying" She said looking out of the window.

"I'm always happy" I said grinning.

She replied with a scoff. I just whistled and tapped the steering wheel in a rhythmic tone with my voice. I couldn't wait to see the look on V's face when she sees the new house.

In the span of five minutes we were at the house. I climbed out of the car, V came out too with a curious look on her face.

"Wow.....this house is breathtaking, who's the lucky person that owns this house?"

I just smiled and she frowned and walked into the house.


William was on edge today, I have no idea why. The house is so beautiful, my mouth wide open as I take in the beauty of the house. It was a two story house, I wonder who we are going to surprise with this beauty.

I snap out of my trance and see that William had already left me to go inside. I hiss and follow him. Only to open the door and hear people shouting surprise and see William smiling sheepishly, lala grinning widely and my mom crying.

"W-what is going on ?" I say in the midst of tears.

"I had this house made the very first day I met you. It was very hard keeping it a secret from you but Lala would have killed me" William replied.

"Stop crying bro !" Lala decided to talk.

"I can't... This is too good. Thank you all for everything and especially William. I love this" I gush.

"Lala follow me now. Everyone enjoy. I'll be back soon"

"Why ?" Lala questions.

"Just follow me" I pull her away.

We end up walking to the balcony, the view of the garden was so beautiful. I wanted to burst into a puddle of gooey happiness.

"Thank you. I thought you were avoiding me" I say sadly.

"Why would I ? I had to make this thing believable" Lala said but I see the change in her mood.

"Is everything good ? Something you not telling me ?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"W-why not ?" She stammers. "Let's go join the party. Don't ruin my mood yo" With that she sashays out the room with her heels clicking.

I stand there looking confused. I don't understand what everyone is keeping from me and I'm going to find out. I straighten my dress, took a deep breath and walked out with a smile.

Very soon Violet. Very soon.


Woahhhh. This is so good, y'all don't know how happy I am. I'm so thankful for the amount of reads and the followers. I can't explain how much I'm smiling right now.

I haven't been active because its my last year in high school and I'm trying to work hard and do my assignments. I have WAEC next year and that's a big deal in Nigeria. Cool story yeah ?

Thank you all once again. Let's get this to 130k ? Too much ? Lol.

My name is Anastasia if you all were wondering 😊😊.

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