The Prophecy. Chapter 10.

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I woke up to hear a female giggling downstairs, curiosity getting the best of me, I put on my robe and head downstairs. Last night was one of the best nights of my life.

Hmm how did my things get up here in the first place.

"William probably brought it up" I reply myself, slightly chuckling.

I finally find my way to the dining room after all the twist and turns. I see William and a slender looking lady sitting next to him. My presence is not noticed yet so I take my time assessing the woman. She had long beautiful hair and the greenest green eyes I'd ever seen. Her smile was eccentric and the way she carried herself was graceful. The thoughts coming soil my mood and soon I'm frowning.

I waltz my way into the kitchen, they not noticing me yet made my blood boil. I walk towards the cabinet, looking for pots so that I could make myself known. I reach for the pot but I'm obviously too short to reach so I stand on my tip toes, stretching; I finally grab the pot but I lose my balance on the way and end up falling on the floor with a loud thud.

"Jesus Violet ! What are you doing ??" William rushes to my side and stands me up.

"Well someone left me hungry upstairs" I roll my eyes, my cheeks red from embarrassment.

"Hi. You must be Violet" The mystery girl chirps in".

"No shit Sherlock" I mutter, that earns me a nudge from Williams. "You must be correct" I muster up the sweetest smile I could.

"I'm going to be staying here for a few weeks, if you don't mind" She smiles and walks away.

"Really ? Hmm" I say as I turn to William. "How come I wasn't informed of this ?"

"It was impromptu V. She has no where else to stay" William replies, as he kisses my forehead. "I have pack work now. Take care love and be kind to Claire". I glare at his back as he walks towards the door but before he goes out he shouts " Always and Forever ?"

"Always and Forever" I reply with a huge grin and with that he walks out.

"I've never seen him like that" I turn around and see Claire sitting on the stairs. "He was always uptight and curt with me"

"I'm his mate so I make an exception". I calmly replied.

"You must be doing something right" She presses on. "Is it the sex ? I don't quite get it"

"None of your business. I hope you enjoy your stay." My voice thick with irritation.

I brush past her as I walk up the stairs and head inside our room. My irritation level was quite high and I had to get out of the house. I walk to the bathroom, stopping right in front of the mirror. I stare at myself for a while. I snap out of my trance when I hear my phone ringing.

Lala's name was on the caller ID so I immediately pick up.

"What's up ?" I say.

"Come over V. I miss you" She whines.

"I'm coming bro. I have a lot to tell you." I say excitedly.

"I'm waiting." I didn't bother replying her as I hung up.

I walk back into the bathroom and make myself presentable. 10 minutes later I'm done with everything, I grab my keys and I head downstairs, slipping on my slippers on the way. I walk over to the kitchen and grab a banana.

I walk over to the car and in no time I'm on the way to Lala's pack/house. 20 minutes later I'm in her drive way, I turn off the engine and walk towards the door. Before I'm able to knock, the door flies open and I jumped on by a disheveled Lala.

The fall was a very painful one but I brush it aside and push Lala off. "What is wrong with you ?" I shout playfully.

"What ? A woman can't show her glee when she sees her best friend ?" Lala replies, pulling me inside and closing the door shut.

"Whatever. I have a lot to tell you"

"Spill" Lala says, her eyes filled with curiosity. It made me laugh how Lala's day can change just because of gist.

"So a girl is at our house" I say. As Lala was about to interrupt, I stop her; "Listen first".

"Her name is Claire and I think she was one of William's girlfriends..."

"What ?!" Lala screams. "How is she in your house ? Why did William even let her thirsty ass in ? I don't understand" I let out a chuckle as Lala rambles on.

"Shush babe" I place a hand on her mouth. "Let me finish" I raise an eyebrow at her and she nods in acceptance.

"She asked me whether he's with me for the sex" I say, the anger starts building up again but I suppress it.

"Aw babe. Why are you so calm ?" Lala grabs me into a hug. "You shouldn't be this calm"

"I don't want to fight with William" I mumble.

"It doesn't matter. If you're not happy with her there, tell him straight up." She says as she uses her fingers as a comb for my hair. The gesture puts a smile on my face because Lala has always being doing that right from the time we met in the forest. She'd always do that to calm me down.

My bliss was short lived when my phone started to ring and I saw "William" spread on the face of the phone. I started to panic because I didn't tell William where I was going to. I look up to Lala for help and she just shrugs. Hissing at the lack of help from my best friend I pick up and the first thing  I'm met with is the angry voice of William.

"Violet where the hell are you ?!" His voice leaving no room for a smart remark.

Another chapter ?! Bet y'all didn't see that one coming.

Thank you all for reading this book. I can't stress on how much it means to me.

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