Chapter 3: React to Bananas

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"No way!" exclaimed Keefe. "Whoa-it's so, er, YELLOW!"

Sophie rolled her eyes- she really had been doing that lately. "It's called a banana, Keefe. It's a popular fruit among the humans."

Dex snorted. "Another 'human' thing. I guess this can't get worse."

"Hey," Sophie said, in defense of the humans, "you liked those Oreos Mr. Forkle brought us two days ago!"

"Right," said Dex. "Right until someone threw up over everything. Isn't that right, Keefe?"

Keefe crossed his arms defiantly. "Well, I still didn't eat as much as Foster did."

Sophie sighed. "We're getting off track."

"Right." Keefe held up the banana. "Back to the banana!"

Fitz reached over and took the yellow fruit, turning it over and over again. "Right...Uh, what do we do with this again?"

"Here, let me show you." Sophie started peeling the banana, earning a collective gasp from her friends.

"Ewww...It smells weird..." Biana wrinkled her nose.

"Holy-" Keefe's eyes were wide. "It's yellow on the inside too!" Sophie rolled her eyes again.

"So...What do we do now?" asked Fitz.

"Well, Fitz," said Sophie sarcastically, "you put it in your mouth, and use your jaw to bite it. Got it?"

"Oh, right. It's a fruit."

Sophie almost laughed. "Elves are funny," she commented.

"Uh, you are an elf," Biana reminded her.

"Who wants to try first?" Sophie offered the banana to Keefe, who backed away. "Honestly, you guys, it's not that bad."

"It still looks suspicious. And it's yellow," Keefe said.

"Guys," sighed Sophie, exasperated.

"Nope," said Fitz quickly when Sophie held out the banana to him.

Dex, seeing this as a chance to prove to be braver than Wonderboy and Keefe, reluctantly volunteered.

Keefe rolled his eyes. "He's only doing this to impress you, Foster," he grumbled.

Dex turned pink, but Sophie ignored Keefe, shaking her head. "But he does seem more manly than you, isn't he?"

Keefe began sulking, and Dex grinned, or at least until Sophie handed him the banana. He slowly raised the banana to his mouth.

"Well, it still smells bad. And aren't fruits supposed to be more...Liquid-y?" Dex wrinkled his nose. "Also, what's with the texture? It feels so...Mushy," he decided.

"Yeah, the texture isn't that great," admitted Sophie.

"Well, I'm not eating that again. Humans are so weird."

"You've already said that," Sophie sighed.

"But I proved that I'm braver than Keefe is, right Sophie?" he asked.

Sophie grinned, while trying not to look at Keefe. "Of course."

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