Chapter 5: React to Dan and Phil

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"Ahhhhh-aren't they amazing?" Biana squealed, clutching her new iPod.

Fitz rolled his eyes. "She's been obsessing over those two humans for a week now. What's so good about them anyway?"

Sophie leaned over at Biana's screen. "Oh, Dan and Phil. Yeah, they became super popular a year ago. I think they even toured."

Dex snorted. "Weird. So humans just post random videos rambling about their lives?"

"Ummm..." Sophie shrugged. "Yeah, basically. But a lot of people still watch them. Dan and Phil are some of the top vloggers. And yes, they do post a lot of videos talking about their lives."

"Well, obviously Biana enjoys stalking those two guys," Keefe commented.

"It's not really stalking...Especially when they practically invite you into their lives." Sophie glanced at Biana's screen again. "And hey-they even teach you how to bake!"

Fitz raised an eyebrow. "Not especially well, I can tell," he said, after seeing the results of the cake pops Dan and Phil had just made.

"Well, people don't watch them to learn how to bake...I hope." Sophie tapped Biana on the shoulder. "You still there, Biana?"

"Shush," Biana snapped. "Can't you tell that I'm trying to finish all of Dan's 144 videos?"

Sophie backed up.

"Uh...I still don't get it. I mean, I'm so much better-looking, right, Foster?" Keefe flashed a grin.

"Gosh," Biana interrupted. "You guys are so shallow. It's not about looks! And it's not fair-more people subscribe to Dan just because he's better looking. Give Phil more subscribers! Without him, Dan wouldn't have been the Youtuber he is now! Grrrr..."

"Says the person who spends half of her day in front of her mirror," Fitz coughed.

Biana stayed silent, concentrating on the video in front of her. While she probably did spend most of her time with her clothes and makeup, Sophie thought, she was much more than that. Biana wasn't one of those girls, Sophie had just recently realized. Throughout their journey, Biana had proved to be smart, brave, and resourceful.

"Still-for the record-I'm still much better-looking than those two humans." Keefe stared admiringly into his reflection in a window.

"Ugh," Sophie said.

"Hey-don't say that! I know that you know that my face outshines the sun. Or maybe that's your face." Keefe grinned again.

Dex groaned loudly, saving Sophie from having to answer. "I knew making those iPods for you guys was a mistake. I mean-look what happened with the fan art!"

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