Chapter 8: React to Fanfiction

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"Can you explain that...again?" Keefe squinted at the screen in Biana's hand.

Biana blew out a sigh. "People write stories about characters...Or in this case, actual people." She checked Keefe to make sure he was paying attention. She'd already explained this to him three times.

"That is...So weird."

Biana shrugged. "So are you."

Keefe put his hand to his chest. "How dare you," he said, feigning an expression of hurt, ignoring the eye roll he received from Biana. 

"Biana's right," Sophie snorted, casually glancing over Biana's shoulder. "Oh no." Her eyes widened, mouth forming a grimace. "How many have you read?" she asked, dreading Biana's answer.

Biana laughed. "Not that much...Maybe around twenty a day?"

"She has no life," Keefe whispered too loudly.

"Shut up. It's not like I spend hours on my hair," Biana retorted. "Actually...Whatever."

"Phanfiction is not healthy for the mind!" Sophie interrupted. "No! Especially not Phanfiction! I felt sorry for Dan and Phil just by reading them!"

"I'll be fine...Trust me."

Sophie crossed her arms. "Really?"

Keefe shook his head. "I still don't get this 'fanfiction' thing. People write stories about stories? That doesn't make any sense."

"Maybe not. But it's still a thing, you know?" Sophie said.

Keefe's eyes lit up. "Do people write fanfiction about me?" He snatched Biana's phone and typed in his name in the search box.

"Oh no," Sophie and Biana said at the same time when Keefe held up the phone triumphantly. 

"11.8 thousand stories of me, guys! Let's see...What are these 'SoKeefe' stories?"

Sophie lunged for the phone before Keefe could tap open any of the stories.

Keefe stuck his tongue out. "I bet Foster secretly writes fanfiction about me, guys."

"Then you'd be wrong," Sophie said.

"Definitely," said Fitz, who had walked in just then. "And Biana, seriously? Fanfiction? That's a dark hole you don't want to go down."

Biana grinned. "He's only saying that 'cause he spent the entirety of last week locked in his room obsessing over Septiplier fanfic. Literally, he'd only come out for his meals."

Fitz blushed. "Not true."

"Is that true, Fitz?" Keefe said tauntingly. 

"He also wrote some, too," Biana added. "But it wasn't that good. I mean, hello, we can't write English! We can only read it, thanks to Dex's translator thing."

"I regret it all," Dex mumbled.

"No you don't," said Biana. "It's taught me so much about the human world! Well, some things I'd rather forget and move on...But thanks anyway!"

"This is why you don't go too deep into the internet," Sophie reminded them. "And I want to see some of your fanfiction, Fitz."

Fitz raised an eyebrow. "No."

"As cognates-"


"I regret it all," Dex said, hurrying out the room.

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