(Male) Robin x Reader: books

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Arden: alright! Here we go! I really hope this will be good!
Robin: *smiles* you'll do fine
Arden: let's do this!!

*(y/n)'s POV*

I explored the smash mansion, looking for Lucina. I found her in the training room. "Hey (y/n)!" She said smiling. "Hey Lucina!" I replied, grinning. She smirked. "Crazy question. Did you tell Robin you have feelings for him yet?" She asked. I instantly felt a blush creep up my face. "N-no!" I exclaimed. She laughed. "Aw come on, (y/n)! You have to tell him some day!" She said, smirking. I had a crush on Robin since I first joined smash... Not even a crush... More than that... I love him... I couldn't stop thinking of that tactician. Robin walked into the room. "Oh, hello." He said. "Well, I've gotta go help Toon Link like I promised." Lucina said leaving the room. "Marth wanted me to give this to you." Robin said, handing me a little folded paper after Lucina left the room. I took the paper and watched him leave the room. Did I see him blush? I ask in my head. I shook my head and unfolded the note.

Meet me in the library at 6:00 p.m.

PS: I lied.

I smiled. He's so cute! I checked the clock to see it was 5:55 and headed up to the library. I pushed the door opened and peeked inside. I walked in and closed the door. Robin was scanning the shelves of books. He looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. "Marth never wrote me a note." You teased. He laughed. "No." He replied, grabbing a book. I picked a book and smiled. "So why did you want to see me?" I asked. He blushed suddenly. "I...I wanted to t-tell you something..." He replied, stuttering. I stared into his eyes. "N-no... I'll just s-show you." Before I could say a word and leaned in and closed the space between us, his lips brushing against mine. I kissed back and smiled. "I love you too, Robin." I whispered as he pulled back slowly. "R-really?" He stuttered, blushing. I laughed and hugged him. "Of course!!" I replied happily. He squeezed me in a hug. "I just love you to death!" He exclaimed, kissing my cheek.

Arden: *frowns* it's too short...
Robin: *hugs me* it's perfect
Arden: *pouts* it needs to be longer. I'm going to edit
Robin: no
Arden: *tries to edit*
Robin: *grabs my wrist* leave it. You can always make a second one
Arden: *sighs* fine.... Welp... Hope y'all enjoyed! Bye!

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