Pit x reader: Goldfish

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Arden: here's the next one shot!! Let's see who's next!
Robin: *pulls out magical wheel*
Arden: *spins the wheel* and the next one shot is....... Pit x reader!!!
Pit: me?! Really?! Yay!!
Arden: *laughs* now! On with the one shot!!


*Pit's POV*

Me and (y/n) were in the living room playing Mario Kart when Dark Pit walked in. "Playing video games with your girlfriend, Pit Stain?" He asked, smirking. I felt my face burn as I glared at him. "W-we're not dating!" I exclaim as (y/n) starts laughing. "What's s-so funny?" I asked, blushing harder. "Just your reaction." She said with a laugh. Palutena came up behind Pittoo and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Give them a break Pittoo." She said, smiling. "I TOLD YOU DAMN PEOPLE NOT TO CALL ME THAT!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GODS JUST LISTEN TO ME!" And with that he stormed off. "Thanks Lady Paultena." (Y/n) said, still laughing. "Any time, you two." Palutena replied, winking. She left the room and I looked at (y/n). "I'm hungry." She said, standing up. We went to the kitchen and looked for some snacks. "GOLDFISH!!! WE. HAVE... GOLDFISH!!!" (Y/n) exclaimed, grinning as she pulled out a large box of Goldfish. We went back to the living room and continued our game of Mario Kart as we ate Goldfish. Cheesy deliciousness in the shape if a tiny fish.

*Dark Pit's POV*

I went to the training room and started beating the sand bag. Palutena came in and watched me for a moment. "Pit really does have feelings for (y/n)." She finally said. I looked at her. "He makes it too obvious. We need to get him to tell her." I replied, crossing my arms. She nodded, agreeing with me. "And how do you suppose we do this Pittoo-- Dark Pit?" She asked, correcting herself. I shrugged. "How would I know? I can't love." I watched the goddess think for a moment. "I have an idea." She said, smiling.

*(Y/n)'s POV*

I sat on my bed and thought about Pit. He had been my best friend since I came to Smash but I didn't want to just be friends.... I wanted to be... More. Suddenly a knock on my door broke my thoughts. I opened the door to see Palutena standing in front of me. "This is for you." She handed me a letter and without another word left. I noticed Pit's hand writing as soon as I looked at it.

Dear (y/n),

Meet me in the garden at 9:30 tonight. I have something I need to tell you


He has something he has to tell me? I paced my room then looked at the clock. It was 9:15 so I headed down to the gardens. Pit was waiting for me, holding some (f/f (favorite flower)). I ran up to him and smiled. "Hey Pit!" I exclaimed. He smiled. "H-hey (y/n)!" He replied, handing me the flowers. "You had something you needed to tell me?" I asked slowly. He nodded, turning slightly pink. "(Y/n), ever since I-I met you... I-I couldn't s-stop thinking a-about you. A-and I r-realized.... I LOVE YOU!" He yelled the last part and before I could say a word he pressed his lips against mine. My face started to burn as I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and slowly deepened the kiss.

*Pit's POV*

As (y/n) kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck I wrapped my arms around her waist. When we finally separated we were both panting. "I love you too, Pitty." She replied and she buried her face in my neck. I swayed her gently, grinning from ear to ear. "I love you so much." She whispered in my ear. "More than Goldfish?" I teased. She giggled. "More than Goldfish, Pit."

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