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I unlock the coffee shop at five am for our first crowd of people. Usually college kids then towards seven elderly people, people just drizzle in and out all day although we get a rush after lunch for some reason. I'm use to the routine by now and all the coffee will be done by five-thirty we have everything from espresso to cold brew.

The bell rings and the other three girls walk in, Jen, Amy, and Melissa . Melissa is a steam milk professional, Amy takes care of the register, Jen is on the drive through, and I do everything in between.

I'm filling orders when I notice the name Chase on a cup it's finny I've never noticed this name until now as I think of our new neighbor. "Chase! Orders up." I call. I bite my lip nervously as our eyes lock, it's him.

"Hey! Umm. Tish? Was it?"

"Kris." I hand him his cup and he cups he hand around mine squeezing it. His large hand definitely covers mine.

"See ya." He says and walks away with a smirk. I don't have time to worry a out it right now. I look around to see if anyone saw what just happened and I lock eyes with Melissa then get back to work.

After the day which seemed never ending the girls and I decided to go eat at the burger joint across town. I text my mom and tell her I'll be at the church afterwards to help clean up from the children's bible study.

"Water." I say when the guy comes around for drinks.

"Three beers." Jen says for the rest of them. I was a bit younger then others but it didn't really phase us.

"So, who was the guy?" Amy asks as she tucks her scarlet hair behind her ear.

"Umm. What guy?" I giggle "Chase. I'm not really sure, he's our new neighbor. He seems arrogant and stuck up." I sigh.

"Well he's hot!" Melissa says just as Matthew Amy's boyfriend walks up.

"Well yeah I am ." He jokes and kisses Amy's cheek sliding in the booth next to her. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" He asks all.

"No." I reply. That wasn't really my scene. The other girls were going especially Amy because Matt's band was playing.

Not long after, Kane shows up who's Jen's boyfriend. He was kinda beautiful with olive skin and big pretty eyes the color of the ocean. Finally all the food comes and we eat and talk there's always laughter especially with Matthew around that guy is a nut.

"Well I better get going! Have fun, see you guys later." I wave and hug before I leave them there.

I head to the church then home. I'm tired but I start the day all over again tomorrow except I only work half a day which is nice.

Sinner, Sinner. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora