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"Psst." I hear as I walk into the church on Sunday morning. I look over and see Chase, pretending I don't hear him I keep walking.

"Excuse you." I loudly whisper as his large hand wraps around my wrist.

"What do I gotta do to get a date?" He licks his bottom lip not letting go of me. Not many people are here yet but I still try to escape his grip which gets tighter as I do.

"Umm nothing because I don't date strangers. What are you even doing here?" I snap at him.

"Oh you must be Chase our new neighbor." My father walks over and chase lets go immediately I don't think he even noticed.

They start talking and I slip away to the small choir loft. We sing every Sunday morning. I smile when I see my friends slide in the back row. I guess you could say it was a southern thing, party it up on Saturday nights and redeem yourself Sunday morning. No one looks at it that way but it's kinda true. That's probably why Chase was here, I could picture him being a momma's boy.

After church we have an ice cream social and of course Chase has to stay for it and the girls keep looking my way of course they have to stay up to date. I roll my eyes when Melissa makes kissy faces at me.

I'm standing in the kitchen when I feel someone place there hand on my hip. His touch burns my skin and I know it's him without having to turn around. "This time I'm not going to ask. You will go out with me or else." He whispers in my ear. His touch burns like fire as he lightly squeezes me. "Tomorrow night. The diner on second. " Chase let's go and walks away.

There was no way I was going or even mentioning what just happened to anyone. 


I wake up late not hearing my alarm go off. I rush around my room getting ready then run out of the house skipping breakfast. It's already seven I don't know how I overslept so much. I speed my way to work.

"I'm so so sorry." I start apologizing as soon as I walk in the back door. It's already slow by now.

"It's ok!" Jen is always so sweet. "I took care of it." She's flashes a smile as I tie my apron on me.

"You're guy came in." Melissa whispers and roll my eyes at her. "You guys are going on a date?"

"Absolutely not." I chuckle and take the next order of a person do kinda just drizzled in after the rush.

The day goes on and I stay busy with paperwork and what not. By the time I hang up my apron and lock the back door the suns gone down and there's a little chill in the air. I walk to my car a little faster then normal feeling a bit paranoid, as the car comes into view so does someone else. I sigh to myself, what does this guy really want.

"You stood me up." He frowns crinkling his forehead.

"I did." I say and unlock the car. Chase yanks the keys from my hand scratching me a little. "Hey!" I tell at him as he getting in the driver seat.

"Get in, you aren't getting away with this." I don't know what makes me get in the car with someone I barley, well don't even know.

I stare out the window as Chase drives. "Where are we going?" I ask not making eye contact a little worried.

"You're fine." He places his large hand on my thigh running it up and down. I bite my lip when I get the burning sensation like I need more or something. I don't try and move his hand but keep staring out the window pretending I don't care.

We pull up to the lake, it's quiet and the moon reflects off the water. The next thing you know I'm grabbing my nose as I go under. I gasp for air as I come up freezing. "What the heck is wrong with you?" I ask chase holding my arms around myself as I shiver. Then he jumps in next to me.

"Pay back is a bitch." He answers softly in my ear this causes me to get a different kind of goosebumps. I just shake my head and start to swim to the bank. "Not yet." Chase grabs my arm. He makes me face him as he stares into my eyes licking his lips. "You're cute." He pulls me close.

"Chase this isn't right." I try to object moving back a bit.

"Says who?" I look around. I'm alone with some random guy at night in the middle of nowhere, clearly I'm in the wrong scene. My dad would never approve, I would never approve of this situation.

"Umm. I'm not that kind of gir-" he cuts me off by smashing his lips into mine. I try pushing him away but my mouth is lock to his. "Chase." I breath as I try punching him with my hands on his muscular chest. "No." I try to stop myself and him.

"Yeah you aren't that kind of girl, right?" He smirks. His phone rings from the shore he swims past me quickly. Yeah. Yeah. I got it. I'll be there. Is all I can hear him say. My heart races a bit nervously. I get out of the lake ringing my clothes out as best as I can. "We have to leave."

I get in the driver seat this time and turn the radio on. My hands grip the steering wheel a little harder than normal.

"Are you ok?" Chase asks when we pull in the parking lot to get his car.

"Just leave." I say without any emotion. My door slams and I decide on driving to Jen's house after I text my mother so she doesn't worry.

I ring the bell still in soaked clothes. "Whoa! What happened to you." When I walk in Amy and Melissa are sitting in the living room.

The girls have always been like my big sisters so I tell them what happened even the part where I kinda got my feelings hurt because he was so rushed to leave although I told him I didn't even want to go out with him in the first place. It's whatever now. I get changed into something warm of Jen's then fall asleep before the movie they had started ends.

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