33|Thirteen Going On Fuck Me

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Phil -17 Dan -13

"Dan! Come meet my new girlfriend!" Phil shouted up the stairs.

Dan paused his videogame, and ran down as fast as he could down the stairs at the sound of Phil's voice. He didn't hear what he said, but he didn't care, Phil was here! Phil was at the bottom[Jk Phil tops]of the stairs smiling, holding the hand of a girl with blonde hair, and green eyes. Dan's never seen her before.

"Who the hell are you?" Dan asks the girl.

"Hey, use your manners." Phil warns.

"Oops, I'm sorry. Who in the hell are you, miss." Dan corrects.

The mystery girl giggles, "I'm Callie," she says, sticking out her hand for him to shake, "Phil's new girlfriend."

Girlfriend? Girlfriend? Phil doesn't even like girls! What is she doing at my house? I thought Phil was coming over for dinner. Alone. Why does she exist? What does she have that I don't?

"Hi, I'm Dan." he says awkwardly, accepting her hand.

"I know, Phil talks a lot about you," she says smiling, "He says that you're his best friend."

Dan blushes, "Did you really?" he asks Phil.

Phil smiles, "Of course, Danny. You already know that."

Yeah, but I like to hear you say it.

"You know, I was surprised to find out you were his best friend because you're so young," Callie says, "But I'm glad you are because you're so cute!"

She ruffles Dan's hair, and giggles.

Dan tries his best not to glare at her.

Why do all of Phil's lovers treat me like I'm some sort of baby. I'm thirteen. One day I was going to be with Phil. Maybe then they'll finally see, Dan thought.

"I'm sorry if this is rude, but why are you here?" Dan asks.

Callie laughs, "Phil invited me to hang out with you guys before dinner! We're going to have so much fun!"

Dan looks at Phil who is smiling widely, and he wants to be the one who holds Phil's hand instead. It was supposed to be just him, and Phil, but he has brought some giggly girl along with him.

Why would he do that?


"So Dan, what do you like to do for fun?" Callie asked.

Dan tried to ignore that she was sat on Phil's lap with him holding her in his arms, and smiling down at her. He's got such a nice smile. Being held by Phil must be the most comfortable feeling in the world. He's very tall, and warm, and he's got this safe feeling to him that makes it seem like everything's okay. Not to mention-


Dan broke out of his trance, "Huh?"

Phil laughed, "Callie asked you a question, and you just zoned out."

"Oh, I'm sorry I was...thinking," Dan apologized, "What was the question again?"

"I asked what you liked to do." Callie explained.

"Oh, I like to..." Dan thought for a moment, "Well, I like to do whatever Phil likes to do."

"Oh no, you're a little nerd too?" Callie asked jokingly.

"Hey, we're not nerds," Phil said, "We're intellectual badasses."

Dan laughed, "Exactly."

Callie rolled her eyes, "If you like to do what Phil does, then you must be a huge flirt too."

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