Chapter 5: A turn for the worst

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The sun started to go down. Peace was over tuefort and everything was clear. Sonnet and medic just got back from meeting Saxton  Hale. Hannah was on the bridge with heavy and Blair was with scout. Gracie was drunk as hell from hanging out with demoman all day. Kenshi stayed by Gracie's side and tucked her into bed to rest.
Blair walked with scout side by side under the bridge. They chatted for hours, about everything.
"It was so nice hanging out with you today scout."
Blair said cleaning her glasses.
Scout wrapped a hand around her shoulder and they suddenly stopped. He looked into the brunettes bright green orbs. He took her hand and inhaled.
Hannah was right above them staring into the sunset. She looked over at the tower across them. There was a looming figure, it looked like sniper. He walked to the edge of the window, he wore a red shirt and aimed a bow and arrow at somthing. Hannah followed the snipers gaze, he was aiming right for Blair who was below them. Not even to think hannah jumped on the railing getting ready to jump. It was about a 15 feet drop.
"Hannah vat are you doing!!"
Heavy yelled rushing towards hannah.
"I have to do this! I have to save Blair!"
Heavy searched the area. He spotted the sniper and saw his target.
"But It's suicide! You can't do zhi-"
He was cut off by the blonde jumping onto a roof next to them. Hannah jumped off the roof onto the hard ground. Puffs of dirt draped the area around her like a blanket. She raced towards Blair reaching her arms out to grab her. The red sniper let go of his arrow and it cut through the air at full speed. Hannah jumped in front of Blair and knocked scout to the ground. Hannah was standing behind Blair embracing her in her arms. Both of thier eyes were wide and watering.
Scout yelled and scrambled to his feet.
Both of the girls stood there. Dots of Blood seeped through Blairs Hatsune Miku shirt.Blood trickled down hannah's pink lips onto the ground. Soon they collapsed.
Scout screamed and tears stained his cheeks. Heavy came running towards them.
"Vhere is Hannah!!"
Heavy bellowed.
He scanned the area until he came across a blonde girl laying in the dirt, with the arrow still in her back. A pool of fresh blood surrounded her.
Heavy scooped her up with care. He brushed her head and wiped away the blood from her mouth.
Hannah spoke in a weak and low tone.
"Shhh. Save energy. Heavy vill get you to doktor."
Heavy ran into the fort to the medibay.
"B-Blair I'll get ya' to doc!"
He carefully picked Blair up Bridal style and ran as fast as he could to the medibay.
Scout yelled while bursting through the medibay doors. Heavy was right behind him.
"Zey were shot by red snipers arrow!"
Heavy rushed to the medical table and layed the bleeding hannah on top. Scout sat Blair on top of the other table next to it.
"Mein Gott!!!"
Medic jumped up out of the chair next to sonnet. He grabbed his tools and got to work on hannah.
"Medic I can help! I have some medical training."
Medic whipped around his hands were soaked with blood.
"Vell! Get over zhere and und help Blair!"
Sonnet nodded and took some tools from  the cabinets.
"Heavy I need you to break zhe arrow at zhe tip."
Heavy nodded and took the edge of the arrow into his hand.
Hannah screamed in pain from the touch. Heavy quickly snapped the arrow until just the point was lodged in her back.
Blair screeched from the stinging sensation on her skin. Sonnet rubbed her chest with alcohol, Scout was right by her side holding her hand.
"B-Blair  it's gonna b-be okay! You ain't gonna die!"
Hot tears seeped down his cheeks.
Sonnet cleaned the blood from her chest, he threaded a long needle getting ready to stitch her up.
"Scout p - please don't l-leave."
Blair looked at scout her eyes dark and tired.
"I aint gonna leave ya'. I'll be right here all day and all night. I...I..I love you to much for ya' to die."
"W-what? I-I."
Before she could finish, she gasped and fainted on the table.
"Blair!!!! Sonnet what da hell is wrong with her!!"
Sonnet looked up at the panicked scout. Blood stained her hands, and droplets of blood was on her glasses.
"Scout calm down. She couldn't take the pain so she is just passed out. She's completely fine. Trust me."
He kneeled beside her stroking her hair and whispered,
"I promise, everything will be okay."
Medic took the tweezers and pulled out a metal arrow point, out of the flesh of her back. Hannah winced at the pain. Her face was flushed by the streams of tears.
She said hoarsly.
"I'm right here. And I'll stay right here."
The Russian smiled and stroked her hand. A tear snuck passed his lids and down his cheek.
"Heavy i-im sorry. I should have listened."
"No. You saved friend. You risked life for her.
Her eyes were almost lifeless. Her skin was pale,almost white. She looked dead already. Medic stitched up her  back,cleaning away the rest of the blood.
"W-when you said you cared about me...did you mean it?"
Heavy smiled and lifted her chin with his thumb,ever so slightly.
"Of course. Heavy cares about you very much."
The operation was almost complete. Hannah's eyes drooped and closed until she said one last thing,
"Thats funny.....I-I care about you even more."
The sun fadded outside. Everything was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Blair was sleeping on the medical table. Blood still Stained her shirt but she was cleaned up quite well. Scout sat beside her in a little chair,sleeping sound with a blue cover over him. Hannah slept on the operating table next to them. She was still pale and dark bags formed around her eyes. Everyone in the base was sound asleep. Except for one; Heavy. He couldn't sleep knowing that she could be gone in any second. He was going to find that sniper and crush him. Heavy still didn't get the chance to tell her. To tell Hannah that he loved her.

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