Negan's base

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(y/n)'s pov
"Grab the girl and lets go.." I heard someone faintly say. I woke up in some base.. I looked around. I was strapped to a chair.. I looked around scared. The room was empty I was the only person in it. There was a door. "Haha!" I heard someone laugh behind the door. The door opened.  "Your lucky little lady.. I could have killed you but.. I had something better in mind..." Negan said. You didn't like where this was going. You struggled to get these straps off. "Don't struggle.. it will only make it worse.." Negan said. He grabbed your jacket collar. He slid it off. "S-Stop!" I screamed. Negan ignore my words. He held a knife up to my neck. "Just hush I'm not going to do anything too you..... yet.." Negan said. I struggled again to get the straps off he slapped me. "Just S-stop!" I screamed. He whistled. I saw Dwight come in a gun too Carl's head. "NO! PLEASE!" I screamed. "You really think that he would escape? I got the baby too.." Negan said. More rage boiled inside you. He threw Carl in leaving a knife on the table. "You choose one eye.. You could save this whore.. or the baby and Daryl.. your choice.. and if you don't choose I could kill all 4 of you.." Negan said. He is bluffing he wouldn't kill a baby would he? Negan left. Carl went over to the knife too free me. "No Save Daryl and the baby.." I told him. I have a plan.." Carl said cutting the straps. "HORDE!" I heard a savior yell. Is there a horde outside here. A savior ran in. Carl jumped in his back slitting his throat. I took his pistol. Me and Carl ran threw the open doorway. I saw Daryl. "(y/n) Carl! your alive??" Daryl asked. "Yea." Carl jammed the knife in the lock it did nothing. I shot the lock out. Daryl ran out. "Where is the baby" Daryl asked. "I don't know Negan took him" I told him. I looked at Daryl then to Carl. "I know what to do.. there is a horde outside right?" Daryl asked. "Yea" I told him. "We find the baby and put walker guts on.. We can get out threw there.." Daryl said. "But first.." Daryl said grabbing a little girl. "I kinda like this girl and she wants to leaves we can take her.." Daryl said. I agreed. We eventually found the baby. We got to a door to the outside. We all put the blood on. No sheets nothing. We all split up. They started shooting down at the walkers. I saw Daryl and the little girl so I followed them. I didn't know where Carl was. He had the baby. I saw Daryl get shot in the neck he held his neck while  walkers grabbed him and tore into his neck and shoulders. The little girl screamed. I grabbed her hand and we ran threw. "Stay calm.." Someone said in the horde. A woman with red hair in a neat bun had walker blood on her. She held a straight face and was holding a simple knife. We continued on. The little girl was scared and she was shaking. I had her hand while I held on to the woman. I saw Carl with the baby. We were almost threw. The little girl scared not knowing what to do pulled away and fell over. A walker noticed her and was about to lunge on her. The woman stabbed it in the head. Throwing it over to the side. She helped her up and we got to the wood line. "Where is Daryl?" Carl asked. "Dead.. They shot him in the neck and walkers tore into him" I told him. (Rip Daryl he was so so so so so nice in this story ;-; Carol will be shocked..) "So.. you gotta group?" The woman asked. "Yea.." I told her. "Who are you anyway" Carl asked. "I'm Mary.. This group.. is evil what did you do why were you in their?" Mary asked. "They kidnapped us.." Carl told her. We all walked back to Alexandria. "Who is she? Where is Daryl? Rachel your dad?" Rick asked. "This is Mary.. let me start from the beginning.. When we left Saviors ambushed us... Rachel died shortly after giving birth not to far from here.. She tried to eat the baby so I shot her in the head.. Then dad he was proud that I stood up and did what I had to do.. Thats when Dwight put a arrow threw his head.. Then Daryl.. Oh god Daryl... We were escaping the savior compound threw the walkers in blood. They shot him in the neck... Walkers tore into him... This little girl screamed but we managed to get her quiet again.." I explained to him..  "I'm Emily" The little girl said. "They were all good people.." Rick said. "Now what.." I asked him. "I'm not sure.. I guess we plan for a war against Negan?" Rick said. I walked away to go find Carol. "Hey (y/n) Have you seen Daryl around?" Carol asked. "About that... Carol sit down please.." I told her. "Okay?" She said sitting down. "Me, Carl, Daryl, and the baby were all kidnapped... and we tried to escape with walker guts.. The plan was going fine.. till They shot Daryl in the neck.. Walkers tore into him.." I broke it too her. Carol stayed quiet.. She cried this is the first time I had ever scene her cry. Carol starred blankly at the wall. Carl and The baby were outside the door. "How did Carol take it?" Carl asked. "Not good.." I told him. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed. I hugged him. "He doesn't have a name yet.." Carl said. "How bout Kevin?" Tara offered. "That sounds like a good name" I said to Tara with a smile. "I like it" Carl said. 

End of this chapter.. lets have a moment of silence for Daryl.................... okay thats enough lol so next chapter will be all out war.. but first... (y/n) might get her own book :ooooo I don't know yet but since we barley know anything about her I thought it was fitting to try to give her another backstory since we didn't know much. It will probably start from before the virus.. Anyway.. We will have some major character deaths in all out war I have some in mind but not alot ;) Anyway when a major character dies.. These "moment of silence thing" Will be common 

Him. (Carl x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang