Life after war (Ignore other chapter it was not a real chapter ;3)

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(y/n)'s pov
It had been a few months after Negan was locked up. Rick took him up to the showers to shave and bathe. I didn't trust him. He was going to get out. I walked in on Rick and Mary kissing. "Oh! hey (y/n)..!" Mary said surprised. I hung out with Jen alot. She was young. Maybe about 10. She lost her dad not to long ago. She wasn't in the best shape of mind. She lost her dad when Negan attacked. A savior slit his throat. She didn't know her mom. She died when Jen was born. Me, Jen, Rick, Mary, and Mason were going to go on a run. We found a old trailer park. Jen sat in a room and curled into a ball. She wouldn't listen to anyone. It was a mistake to bring her. Walkers trapped us in. There were too many of them. They were breaking the door down. The door broke down. We all ran to the room where Jen was. There was a convenient skylight in that room. Mary was lifting people up.  Mason was first. Then Rick. "If she doesn't want to leave you can't make her.." Mary told me. "I'm not leaving her" I told him.  "Jen don't make me leave you here.." I told her. I tried to touch her shoulder but she pushed my hand away. She stayed quiet. I slapped her. "MOVE!" I screamed she stood up and Mary helped her up. Then me. Mason reached down and lifted her up as walkers busted the door down. We hopped down and ran. I shot a walker. Guys with guns cornered us. Aiming guns at us. We put our weapons down. We walked behind them. Mason had a gun. he had it hidden. He pulled it out. He shot one of the guys in the head. One of the guys turned around about to shoot him. I grabbed his arm and lifted his gun straight up. One of the other guys grabbed my hair and pulled me back. I fell on the ground as the guy shot Mason in the leg. "I'm going to make you suffer.." the one that shot him said. Mason grabbed at his leg. I ran over putting pressure on it. "Stop whore!" He screamed slapping me. I had a cut on my face. It was red around the cut. "walkers" One of the people that took us said. One of the men were grabbed. It tore into his arm. The guy looked at him. He left us all. Before I knew it walkers were piling on top of the guy who got bit. I heard him screaming. "I can't run" Mason said. I grabbed his hand and we hid in a house. Mary took Jen back to Alexandria hopefully. I heard gunshots. I looked out the window. People.. I didn't know them. "Check these houses.." On of them said. Mason hid in the shower pushing the curtain around. I picked up a shard of glass. It cut into my fingers. A man opened the door he had a AK-47 he walked into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain. Before he could shoot or say anything I stabbed him in the neck with the shard. Blood flowed from the open wound. He then shoots probably giving away our position.


Him. (Carl x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant