Chapter two. My story.

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 "Hey." Somebody greeted from behind me. I turn my head to find Michael walking towards the bench I was currently sat on. 

"Hey come an sit down, if you want." I move my school books out of the way for him to sit. Which he does. 

"So what brings you here?" He asks leaning back on the bench.

"I like to come here to think, to read and just to get away from my family sometimes. What about you?" I bring my legs up to me chest and hug them, since it was now starting to get a bit cold. I rested my cheek on my knees and looked at the boy sat next to me. He was looking straight ahead, at the lake. I followed his eye sight, and soon noticed that the sun was setting. It's one of the most amazing and beautiful things to see.

"Me too, it's nice peaceful, I normally sit on the bench right there." he said pointing to the bench that was only 20feet away from where we were currently sat. 

I thought back to all the times I've been and sat on this bench, an if I've ever seen anybody on the one next to me. 

"I think I've seen you sit there before." I lean my cheek back on my knees to look at Michael.

"I think I've seen you hear too." He paused then started chuckling. "I remember one time I was sat over there, I had forgotten my iPod so I had no music to listen to but then I heard a girl singing, from this bench, at the top of her lungs. She was sing along to 'We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus' that wouldn't be you by any chance would it?" He yet again started chuckling. 

All I could do was bury my head into my knees. He was right, that girl singing was me. Oh how embarrassing is this. 

I heard him burst out laughing at my response. I started laughing too, just at the thought of somebody hearing me sing made me want to laugh. Cause I knew I had a terrible voice. 

"I'm surprised your still alive." I giggle wiping at my eyes, I was starting to cry form laughter.

"So do I to be honest. I had to leave when you started singing 'Rolling In The Deep by Adele'" He yet again burst out laughing and looking at me. I immediately started to blush and yet again buried my head into my knees. 

"Oh this is so embarrassing.". I mumble. 

"I think it's pretty funny." He still laughs. 

"Can we please change the subject? Oh and did you ever go on your date with Diana?" I really wanted to change the subject and I was quite curious to know how their date went last week.

"Um... No... I canceled on her... You know after you'd left to go back to class last Friday... Yeah... I kind of text her saying I no longer wanted to go on a date with her." He scratched the back of his neck. Since he was wearing a beanie he could run a hand through his hair. 

"Oh right. Sorry to hear that." I ran a hand through my own hair. I pulled me knees closer to me. I was starting to get cold now. Since I had no jacket and was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I looked to Michael who was takin off his big gray jacket, and before I new it he had put it over my shoulders. The heat from it instantly warmed me. 

"T-thanks Michael." I smiled at him which he returned. I pulled my arms into the arm holes off the jacket and pulled it over my knees. It felt so nice, it even smelt of him. And I've always loved baggy jackets. 

"It looks good on you." He smirked and as soon as he realized he'd smirked he started blushing which made him look cuter. 

"Thanks." I smiled. Then I thought I'd tease him a bit, since it been me whose been embarrassed.

"Aw. Look at you blush. It's so cute." I giggled and poked his cheek. Which made him blush some more and made him slightly chuckle. He tried turning his head away so I could reach him anymore, but I climbed over to him so I was knelt next to him, and pinched both his cheeks, as we both started to laugh. 

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