Chapter four. Wake up call.

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 I felt tingles in my hand, I felt lips on the back of my hand. My eyes felt heavy as I tried to open them, I felt the persons lips leave my hand. As it was only a small peek. They still held my left hand, and someone else holding my right hand.

 I tried opening my eyes, the slightest bit. When I finally did, the first person my eyes landed on was Michael, a huge smile spread across his face. I tried to smile back, but I failed miserably although I did fell the sides of my lips to turn up ever so slightly. 

I looked over to my right to see Aaron, I also tried to smile at him. As the right side of my face pressed against the pillow a shot of pain rushed up the side of my face and to my head. I then started to look around at the surroundings. 

 White. Everything was white, and it really hurt my eyes. I had to blink a couple of times. It then hit me that I was in a hospital, I remember the rooms from when my dad use to have to come here, and we'd come and visit him everyday. There was no pictures, nothing, not even a splash of color. It was just white. 

 When I realized I was in the hospital, I started panicking, you know cause I have a problem with blood and everything.

 When Aaron realized I was starting to panic, "Do you want anything? Water?" Aaron asked. I nodded, as he took the glass of water from the bedside table. He placed the straw in my mouth, and I took a mouthful of water. 

I watched him place the glass back on the table. Then he stood up. "I'll just go and tell the doctor you're awake." He then kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair, then walked out the door. Leaving me with Michael.

"Hey." he whispered as my eyes landed on him, and he kissed my hand again, sending more tingles through my hand and a goofy grin on my face. 

"Hey," I smile. "W-what's going on? Why am I in hospital?" Tears sprung to my eyes. 

"You banged your head pretty hard. I found you in the hallway unconscious, you scared me to death." He then again kissed my hand and started to rub his thumb over the top of my hand all the while looking me in my eyes.

"Was there blood?" I asked, my voice cracking, scaring myself. What if there's blood all over me. Or even worse what if I've had stitches? That thought woke me up a bit more, as I sat up a bit straighter, and my hand rushed to my head, sending a shot of pain through my head, running a hand through my hair. At the thought of blood, just thinking if blood made me feel sick. I needed to know if I was okay. A worried look on both our faces.

 "No, no there was no blood." He shook his head as he slightly laughed. Oh thank god there was no blood, that would have made things ten times worse. 

At this point a doctor came into the room. 

"Hello Ella I'm Dr. Lee. I suppose you've been informed by your friends that you've reserved a big blow to the head." I nod. "Do you feel any pain." 

"Slightly, and a little headache." I say just above a whisper. 

"Okay that's understandable. Do you remember how you hit your head?" I simply shook my head. "Can you tell me the last thing you remember."

"The last thing I remember..." I had a little think, the last thing I remember was walking into first period and seeing Michael. "I remember first period but only walking into class and seeing Michael sat at my normal desk... Then it goes blank." I look at Michael a smile on his face. "Why when did you find me?" I turned to Michael. 

 "Lunch time."  He squeezed my hand. 

 "W-why don't I remember anything from since I saw you this morning?" A sad look rushing to my face as he did the same. 

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