Chapter Four

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**For the people who read, I am very sorry this chapter is late!!**

Chapter Four!

Recap: (Leah’s P.O.V.)

Before I know the auction had started. People were doing whatever you do in an auction. It was all a blur because I didn’t understand what was happening, I just hear prices being called and then one stood out. “10 million” Was yelled out from the back, and that was the first price I took notice in. Everyone went silent and the auctioneer seems shocked for a second then continues doing his thing.

After the auctioneer finished speaking Candbury came up looking impressed about the price that I sold for and took me down an aisle, I look around, and everything seems different from the seats. All the people were looking at me weirdly, like I smelt strongly of chocolate or something. Oh no, did I put too much perfume on? Oh that’s embarrassing if I did, but I wouldn’t smell yummy... Suddenly I walk into something or someone. I look up shocked to see…

Chapter Four

Mystery Persons P.O.V

 “But mum, I can’t be bothered!”

“Alec, do as your mother says and go to the damn auction! Buy a pretty girl and you can do whatever you want with her because after all she will be your personal feeder/toy, but you can’t kill this one!” Yeah, yeah, yeah. I run out of the house using vampire speed to go to the shed that has the portal in it. Yeah, you read it right, I said portal, and I’m a vampire prince of one of the four royal families of the vampire dimension. I realise that I need my personal servant James. I zoom back into the house and go straight to the servant quarters.

“James, come on, we need to go and get me my new toy.” I say as soon as I spot him. He nods and we both use our speed to run out of the house. We get to the shed and go straight to the portal. To use the portal you have to be a ‘mythical creature’ or have one with you, the ‘mythical creature’ will have to say where you are going and just walk through. Not a hard process and it keeps the humans from escaping.  We get witches to make them for important people, but there are also ones in public areas but you have to pay for them or have a special pass.

I say where we are going, the Auction Warehouse. After saying this, James and I step into the portal and we are outside the warehouse. I look into the crazy old lady Elsie’s house next door to see her fussing around her kitchen, probably so she can sell another unsuspecting human orphan girl. We walk into the auction area and sit down at the back. Everyone in the room stands and bows except for Candbury, he doesn’t have to because he is an old friend of the families.

Not to long after the auction starts, the girls keep walking out and none of them look good enough or yummy enough for me, until Candbury calls out number 10. The most gorgeous girl walks out, I don’t even listen to Candbury explain about the girl, well I listened to two bits, one, that she is a virgin and two, that her boob size is D, can’t blame a man for listening about those two factors, they just stand out to us.

I listen to the dirty old men call out prices for her, after a while I had enough with it and just stood up and called “10 Million.” The girl noticeably snapped out of her daydream and the whole room went quiet. Everyone was shocked, even Jerry the auctioneer.  A few seconds later Jerry comes out of his trance like state and continues on doing his job.

As expected I won the girl, number 10. She followed silently behind Candbury looking around the room. I stop walking with James behind me and I watched as she kept walking, until she walked into me. I look down at her and at the same time she looks up. She looks shocked. Huh! Why wouldn’t she? I am hot!

I take a deep breath in and smell her lovely blood. I can’t help but put my head into the crook of her neck and run my nose along it. I feel my fangs grow out of my gums; I open my mouth and sink my fangs right into her neck, and suck the delicious blood.

I feel a tug on my arm interrupting my delicious meal. I turn still holding my beautiful and delicious girl, and see that it was James who interrupted me. “What do you want, can’t you see I am busy?!” I yell at him.

“Sorry master, but you can’t kill her yet, she has to last. She cost you a lot of money and if she doesn’t last, your parents would be really upset with you.” I realise he was right.

“You’re right, come on we’re going, Candbury, I shall send you the money soon. Have a nice day.” I pick up the girl and run to the closest portal.


We got home without a problem, but the girl passed out in my arms not to long after we left the warehouse. I put her in my bed and left to see James so we can hang out, James is also my best friend.  Well I think he is, sometimes it just doesn’t feel that way. He is always so secretive.

I walk up to his door and hear that he is talking to someone; he is probably on the phone. “Yes mum. Mum, I’m fine. I have got to go now. Alec is at my door, yes, yes no!  …Good bye mum, love you and miss you too.” I hear a button click and the door opens. “Hey Alec, how’s the girl going?”


Hey everyone, once again sorry it is late! I have been busy getting ready for school to go back and what not.

I hope you like the chapter, I will try and upload the nxt chapter on Wednesday (Australia time of course..)



Fan?! c:

Love from, x0x0_GossipGoat <3


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