Chapter Six!

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Chapter Six!

Recap: (Leah’s P.O.V.)

I look at the guy wearily and slowly get up to take a shower because I feel gross. “Go have a shower because you smell and you look like you need one.” He says.

“Umm, okay.” I say as I get up and head to an open door that leads to the bathroom. I take a good look of the inside and I stand there filled with awe, it is such a beautiful room. I shake my thoughts out of my head and I go straight to the bathtub and get it started. As it is filling up I take off my clothes and think over what has been happening in my life lately… First I get adopted, finally! I get made to go to an auction, get sold to a person who has a lot of money and believes he is a vampire, I fall asleep in a guy’s arms and wake up in his house to see a big scary guy standing next to the bed that explains a lot that I have already forgotten.

I turn to the bath and see that it is almost full. I tie my hair up so it doesn’t get wet because it takes too long to dry it. I hop into the bath and the water is a perfect temperature. I grab the soap that is on the soap holder next to my elbow and wash myself thoroughly. Once I have washed myself, I lay back enough that I am lying down but that my head is out of the water; I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.

Chapter Six

Leah’s P.O.V.

I wake up with a jolt, feeling the cold water surrounding me. I look around the bathroom to try and see what woke me up from my beautiful sleep and see the man that was with the guy who bit me.  James, I think that is his name.

He stands and stares at me weirdly, and then I remember, I’m naked in the bath tub. I blush like crazy. “Umm, can you please turn around, so I can cover myself up?” I ask quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. He turns around in a flash. I jump up and grab the closest towel and wrap it around myself. “What is it that you need?” I ask him.

“I was asked to come and make sure that you are settling fine and collect you for Master Alec.” He says, while turning around and straightening his posture.

“Oh, umm, thank you. I’m settling in just fine and who is Master Alec??”

“Master Alec is the man who bought you and who bit you.”

“Oh, I remember who he is. But, umm, can I please get changed and out of the bathroom first?” I ask as blush creeps onto my face because I am standing in a bathroom with a hot guy only with a towel around me.

“Oh, yeah, okay, I shall go and wait outside the room, just call me back in when you are ready.” After that, he disappears. I dry myself quickly and I walk back into the bedroom to see the same lingerie that I had worn when I had to go to the auction on the bed, but it had to be a new set or washed, then there is this cute blue dress that had on arm sleeves.

I walk over to the bed and slip the lingerie on and as I was going to grab the dress so I could put it on the guy from before, James, comes barging in the door. “You are taking to lon-“ He starts saying as he is coming in but as soon as he realises I’m standing front of him in only a bra and panties he stops, we just stare at each other with wide eyes.

After a few minutes, the shock starts to fade and I quickly cover my body. James turns around really quickly, “I am so, so sorry! You were taking a while and Alec is getting impatient. So I thought I would come in and check on you, and I am so sorry!”

“It’s okay!” I say as I slip the dress over my head. I turn and to James and ask “How do I look?”

He turns cautiously and looks at me, “You look good.” He says smiling. “But you need to put on these shoes,” He says while handing me simple black ballet flats, “and we have to hurry and go see Alec.” I quickly slip on the ballet flats then hurry out the door of the bedroom with James. We walk down many hallways filled with people that were dressed in rich clothing and people that looked like they were maids or servants.

After a few minutes of following James we arrive at a door with two guards in front of it. Okay? I’m guessing the person who is inside the room is important. The guards nod at James but look at me weirdly, “She is his new toy.” James explains to the guards, they nod at me and I just look down to the ground. I hear the door open and then I feel a tug on my arm, I look up at James and he is motioning for me to walk into the room before him. I step into the room and stop, it is the most beautiful room ever. It has high ceilings that had gold patterns and a giant chandelier hanging in the middle. I look down from the roof, the floor has marble tiles and the room has big chairs in a square with two large chairs at the end of the room.

All the chairs are empty except the two chairs at the end of the room. One of them was occupied by the man that came into the room earlier this morning. And the other was occupied by a beautiful lady that looked a lot like Alec. Well Alec looks like her because I think that she would be his mum. She had his brown hair, and green eyes, but by the looks of it being pale runs in the family because they are all pale. “Leah.” I hear James say in my ear. “Stop staring.”

“Leah, welcome, come closer please.” The beautiful women that I have never seen before said to me. I walk closer with James following. “James, you are dismissed.” She says to James.

“Yes Ma’am.” He says then bows in the direction of the family, and then he turned and walked out the room to do whatever he had to do.

The women got up out of her chair and walked over to me, once she got to me she walked in a circle around me. She stopped in front of me and smiled, “I don’t believe you have met me yet, I am Alec’s mother Jennie.”

“Hi.” I say in a small voice.

Alec comes up behind his mother. “Mother, let her come with me, she doesn’t know me properly yet, or what we are.”

"Oh gosh! Yes, yes you may take her, but she must come back in one piece and alive.” His mother said, what does she mean in one piece and alive? I think worriedly.

Alec takes my hand and practically drags me out of the room, I turn back to see his mother and father staring after us.

What is going to happen to me, and what did he mean by ‘she doesn’t know what we are’?


This was going to be a prezzie from me from being late and everything but I didn't get time to upload it yesterday ://

But it is up which is the main thing,

I hope you enjoyed it <3




Fan?! c:

Love from, x0x0_GossipGoat <3


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