Chapter Five

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Recap: (Mystery P.O.V.)

We got home without a problem, but the girl passed out in my arms not to long after we left the warehouse. I put her in my bed and left to see James so we can hang out, James is also my best friend.  Well I think he is, sometimes it just doesn’t feel that way. He is always so secretive.

I walk up to his door and hear that he is talking to someone; he is probably on the phone. “Yes mum. Mum I’m fine. I have got to go now. Alec is at my door, yes, yes no!  …Good bye mum, love you and miss you too.” I hear a button click and the door opens. “Hey Alec, how’s the girl going?”


Chapter Five

Leah’s P.O.V.

I wake up and look around the room I am in, just hoping that I was dreaming. But I don’t have that much luck. I’m in a large room; I remember everything that has happened. From me being sold off at the auction, to something, maybe a vampire crazily enough, drinking my blood.

The door opens and someone walks in. I move as close to the wall as I can so I can be far away from the door… An elderly man walks in and you can tell he is powerful because a powerful vibe was around him and following him.

He walks over to the bed that I am on and just stares at me. I stare back at him.

What is this a staring contest now?

He looks down at my neck and smiles. “Hi, no need to fear me, you’re going to be a servant to my son, you will do everything that he says, when he says for you to do it. You will not talk to anyone other than him or another servant, and the only time you can talk to him is when he has said so. Also, look down unless you’re being spoken to or you are doing something that Alec has said for you to do. Do you understand?”

“U-u-uh, y-yes sir.” I manage to mumble back.

“No need to stutter.  Oh, I forgot, Alec has another servant, but for different purposes. His name is James, you should have seen him, he was with Alec at the auction to get you. You have to listen to him as well, treat him with the same respect as Alec. I have to go now. You should go take a shower in the room over there,” He says pointing at a door to the left of the bed.

I look at the guy wearily and slowly get up to take a shower because I feel gross. “Go have a shower because you smell and you look like you need one.” He says.

“Umm, okay.” I say as I get up and head to an open the door that leads to the bathroom. I take a good look of the inside and I stand there filled with awe, it is such a beautiful room. I shake my thoughts out of my head and I do straight to the bathtub and get it started. As it is filling up I take off my cloths and think over what has been happening in my life lately… First I get adopted finally, I get made to go into an auction, get sold a person who has a lot of money and believes he is a vampire, I fall asleep in a guy’s arms and wake up in his house to see a big scary guy standing next to the bed that explains a lot that I have already forgotten.

I turn to the bath and see that it is almost full. I tie my hair up so it doesn’t get wet because it takes too long to dry it. I hop into the bath and the water is a perfect temperature. I grab the soap that is on the soap holder next to my elbow and wash myself thoroughly. Once I have washed myself, I lay back enough that I am lying down but that my head is out of the water; I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.


Hey everyone, once again sorry it is late! I:// I promise it wont become a habit

I have been busy With school and homework because I have just started back.

I hope you like the chapter, Please show it if you do.



Fan?! c:

Love from, x0x0_GossipGoat <3


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