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Hi everyone! This is Ruby from @chubbyotters2. I am writing this story because my mind is full of this knowledge I have no use for, I decided Hey! I am going to write a story about a band I don’t like that much so I can put this knowledge to use! When I decided that I was being sarcastically excited. So yeah, this is a One Direction fanfiction. It won’t be very good, so don’t get your hopes up! I am not a 1D fan so don’t be surprised when the character totally makes fun of them. I AM NOT A HATER but I do have my opinions on their looks and clothes and hair that probably differ from what you think if you are sick with the Direction Infection, it's not that I dislike the music or think they aren't handsome, but I don't like the idea of a fandom. Bear with me because the character will probably warm up to them at the end because I am cliché.That and I want lots of reader and I am scared the fans will throw a hissy fit when she makes fun of them. . .


                They were all obviously related despite the older girl’s frail look. Her wide hazel eyes shown with excitement, but her face looked unnaturally pale, her usually beautiful caramel colored hair seemed unnaturally thin and her whole body gave the aura of ‘sick’. This made sense, seeing as she had about two months to live. The guy seemed older and protective of the sick girl, a by passer would suspect they were siblings, they would be right. The littler girl seemed to be about 13, two years younger than the older girl.

                “Jess, what are you staring at? Do you know that guy?” the guy asked his sister, Jessica.

                “That is Niall Horan. He is on the X-Factor; you know that singing show I watch?” The sick girl, Jessica responded. “I wish I could meet him, at least before I-“she was cut off by her brother.

                “You aren’t going to die. You are going to push through this, right Brook?” his voice full of emotion, he asked the littler girl.

                “Yeah, don’t worry, Jesse! You are going to get better and then you can marry this ‘Neil’ you speak of,” she sounded more like she was reassuring herself rather than her sister. Jessica sighed and forced a smile at her hopeful sister.

                “That is right, Lynn, I am going to get better. You keep dream about me marrying Niall!” she put extra emphasis on his name and called her sister, Brooklyn, by the nickname only she was allowed to used, Lynn .

                “We should go talk to him! I bet he would like to meet a fan like you!” Brooklyn suggested to her sister, thinking it might cheer her up a bit. Deep down all of them knew that these were Jessica’s last few months; they wanted her to make the most of them and live as much as she could.

                “NO!” she shouted, all of the people in the yogurt shop glanced up at her, including Niall. Jessica blushed red and put her head down, embarrassed. “I can’t do that, people are scared of me! It is a stretch even coming out here today!” Jessica protested seeing as some people had look frightened of her when they walked to the shop. Her wheelchair had caused people to look at her, and they widened their eyes and made a big circle around her. “It would hurt so much more to see him be scared of me than not meet him at all!” she confessed, looking down. “Brook, take me to the bathroom?” she asked.

                “Couse!” was Brooklyn’s gleeful reply. As she wheeled her sister to the back she sent her brother a meaningful look. He nodded at his sister’s obvious request. He waited until they were safely in the bathroom before standing up and walking over to the contestants table.

One Direction, DownWhere stories live. Discover now