Toy Story Girl in the house! Yo

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Chapter 4?

I don’t know?

Is it chapter 4?


I checked, don’t worry, it was chapter four all along. I dodged a bullet there. Phew!

                “Brooklyn sat at the table, checking her bank account balance.” Delilah narrated incorrectly. I wasn’t doing that. THAT IS NOT WHAT I AM DOING! 

Sorry, that was kinda unnecessary. I am tired.

                “Such wow.” I said in my signature uncaring tone. “Who was that?”

Fun Fact: Those two sentences had almost nothing to do with each other. Isn’t that fun?

                “Are you always this sarcastic?” I ask.

The signs point to –

                I think she was gonna continue but DeeDee cut her off “Who the hell are you talking to?” she asked in a rather rude manner.

                “I have to go. OH YEAH”I said totally ignoring her, I started out talking regular, but then I remembered something and I dramatically turned on my heel to face LeeLee again. Well I tried . . . but like just as a word of advice: the less you dramatically turn on you heel after swinging the door into a closing motion the less you will get hit with doors.

If you wanted to say it in a way that didn’t make you seem like a douche you could have just said: Being the idiot I am, I hit my ugly face on the door as I stupidly turned to face my friend.

                “I remember now! Two guys were yelling for you outside the door this morning.” I told her, totally ignoring the voice. “ They have names, I think Zeke and Lewis? I dunno but I let them crash in the bathroom tub. So yeah, don’t freak if two guys come out of the bathroom. BYE NOW.” I left before she could reply because-

It’s because you’re rude, a rude dude.

                “Cathy!” I yelled at Cathy who I had recently decided to call Cathy. “Stop interrupting me! You’re being such a bitch!” I held my cool phone up to my ear to stalkers in the street would try to rape  me because I was talking to someone.

Yeah, not because it looks weird as shit to yell in the middle of the street to nobody.

                “Ummmm, Cathy? That is just stupid, that is a stupid reason. Stop being a bitch Cathy. Go away.” As you can tell I was being very reasonable and she was being a huge a-hole.

*   *   *

A ten minute walk later, I was in the gym, pulling my hair back into one of them nifty hair tie things.

“Hey Brook!” one of my gymnastic friends called to me. “Why so late?” it was awkward because I had to explain to her that I had a yellow umbrella and everyone else had grey ones. That was why I was late, not because I argued with Cathy the annoying, sarcastic, and probably very mobile person in my head the entire time.

For the rest of the day we worked really hard. Cathy gave me what I deemed constructive criticism and she called being mean. I was just trying to be positive because it was times like these (when I was in the gymnastics gym) I really felt like Jessica was there, like she could guide me to doing the right things. Yelling at Cathy was not the right thing to do. But anyway she started to realize she couldn’t get anything out of me here so she stayed quite for the most part. I was just perfecting my floor routine when lunch time came around and we all were dismissed for 45 minutes.

                “Hey Brooklyn!” The same girl from before said as her walked over to me. “Wanna go get lunch?” she was like all smiley. I only agreed to go get lunch with her because she had a Toy Story band aid.

We walked out to the closest restaurant we could find, sadly that restaurant was right next to Kandy Klub. We sat at the outside seating area in front of the restaurant and some rude waiter came over to take our order.

“Hi! My name is Kyle and I’ll be serving you today.” He told us aggressively. “So here are your menus and I’ll be back in a few minutes to take you order.” He walked away looking confused. I wonder why?

It’s probably because you were glaring at him. He was so nice though . . .

I decided to ignore Cathy and her bitchy behavior for lunch because I didn’t want Toy Story Girl to think I was weird. We had a really nice lunch and I felt super cool while paying because I got to use the card Sponsor gave me for food.

“Let’s go get ice cream from that place, Kandy Klub.” She suggested.

“Oh . . . Ummmmm . . . well . . . Why?” I really didn’t want to go to my workplace on a non-work related adventure.

“C’mon! I really want ice cream! Please Brooklyn! Please!” she kept whining and I was blocking her out until I heard her say “If you don’t say yes I will walk into the middle of the street and start screaming that you were trying to rape me.” She looked really serious. I had to believe her, even if she was serious, she might be. I was sort of famous now so I couldn’t be perceived as a rapist. That would suck.

                “I hate you. You are the worst person I know. I thought you would be super cool because of your band aid, but in reality, you suck!” I declared.

                “Is that a yes?” after looking at my face she squealed “OMG! It totally is a yes! OMG!” I couldn’t believe how excited she was.

                “Grrrrrrrrr! Whatever Toy Story Girl! Let’s just go!” she started laughing hysterically. “WHAT? Why are you laughing, TSG?” I asked her, rather confuzzled.

                “Toy Story Girl? Really? You don’t even know my name! that is so funny!” she literally fell down on the ground with laughter. I was shocked. Like, wow. Deciding that she sucked, I just started walking over to KK by myself. She obviously didn’t want to get up so she just crawled alongside me to Kandy Klub.

                “Ohhhhhhh! So many options! You know I never even knew that this place sold ice cream?” I asked TSG, who still hadn’t told me her name, and she was so surprised that she almost got up.

                “There is a huge sign in the window that says ‘We make homemade ice cream!’ how did you not know?” I thought she was being a real bitch. A know it all-y bitch.

Don’t call her a bitch, you are the one who can’t read or something!

                “Ummmm, Cathy, I don’t remember asking for your feedback. Can you just go? Can you just go away and stop being a bitch?” I asked Cathy, who I assumed just glared at me and went to walk and talk with her friends.

                “Who the hell are you talking to? I’m not Cathy! I’m why would you think my name was Cathy?”  TGS was not in the loop which made me feel kinda jealous of her. I wish I didn’t know Cathy.

                “God!” I exclaimed at her. “I wasn’t even talking to you! God! Get with it! I was obviously talking to Cathy! God!” she looked kind of offended. We got ice cream though. It was yummy. I had one scoop of peanut butter and one scoop of chocolate. It turns out my employer make awesometastic  ice cream. From the weird moans TSG was making I assumed that her icey cream was good too.

I made a new friend today.

Her name was Cathy.

A/N: Heyy guys! Or is it just guy? Maybe. . ..  I don’t know if anyone actually reads this book! This is an short length chapter, only 1,252 words! So sad. Oh well. Until next time,

Always, Ruby the King. <3

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