Chapter 1- abcd's

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Chapter 1!!!

                “OH EM-FRECKING-GEE!” my best friend Delilah shouted as we walked out into the warm Northern Ireland air. This cause many people to glare at Delilah, not me because as soon as Delilah opened her mouth I sidestepped away from her, I knew my friend  all too well and was expecting some dramatic outburst as soon as we  stepped off of the plane. Dee merely smiled brightly at all of the people she had disrupted at turned her head to me. “We are in fucking Ireland! Not the Republic! The Northern Ireland! I AM SO EXCITED AND I LOVE THIS COUNTRY SO MUCH AND I WANT TO GO SIGHT SEEING!”  she lost control of her volume as her excitement escaladed. I apologetically smiled at the aggravated people. As my head turned to show I was sorry for my friend, the noise of my name being called attracted my attention, how did they know I was here?

                “Brooklyn! Brooklyn Johnson! Over here!” the woman called. My eyes swelled in size because I had never had someone call me like that, even when I qualified for the Olympics. I attempted to clam my nerves by remembering what my sponsor said: Always accept interviews, they make you look nice and become a crowd favorite. My finger wrapped around my friend’s arm and I pulled her over to the interviewer easily. “Brooklyn Johnson?” the woman questioned as  Dee and I stopped in front of her. To answer I only sent her a nod and a smile. “Great! I am from TeenPop magazine and I was just wondering if we could get a quick interview?” she quickly introduced herself.

                “Oh course! I would love to do an interview!”I told the interview, but then I motioned to my friend that she could go explore. “Go ahead LeeLee, meet me in a few back around here.” She dismissed her friend. Lee’s face lit up as she went off to explore. (Dee, LeeLee, and Lee are all nicknames for Delilah)

                “So what inspired you to become a gymnast?” the lady from TeenPop asked, getting straight to work.

                “My sister,  actually. She was really into gymnastics and was on her way to where I am now.” Brooklyn replied, feeling a familiar flash of pain as she spoke of her sister.

                “Why isn’t she here now?” the lady inquired.

                There was a sad smile on Brooklyn’s face as she replied, “She got really sick and was . . . not able to continue practicing. Jessica asked me to do this for her.”

                “Okay, well how does it feel knowing that you are a role model to millions of girls in your own country and all over the globe? She asked, surprising me. People didn’t look up to me, my parents could barely see me more than twice a year.

                “What? Nobody looks up to me! I’m just regular old Brooklyn, why would they?”  I asked actually wondering the things I had asked.

                “Oh yes, of course they do! You have made it to the Olympics! You are in top physical condition, these fans are practically begging to know more about you, to be like you!” she elaborately explained.

                “Well . . . I guess I am surprised then. That is how I feel, and honored . . . I guess,” was my awkward reply.

                “Okay . . .” the lady replied, obviously not satisfied with my response. “Would you like to tell us about your friend?” I could tell from this question that she was trying to save the sinking ship of my non-responsive interview.

                “Okay. Well her name is Delilah and we have been besties since I joined gymnastics, I got better than her quite fast cause I was trying to make the Olympics and she was there for fun. Dee quit gymnastics a few years ago but we stayed friends and she was the only person who really wanted to—I mean could come with me because my parents are really busy and my brother didn’t wanna leave his baby.” I covered with ‘could come with me’ because my parents were very free over the summer, they didn’t want to be reminded of Jesse, that was why they didn’t let me live in their house.

                “Can you tell us more about her . . . her personality? What she likes, music, foods, whatever?” she pressed.

                “Gee whiz,” I sarcastically replied as the lady got more annoying my ‘friendly nice girl’ façade slipped. “Why do you care so much about LeeLee? Whatever,” I cut off, not even letting her answer. “She has reddish-brownish hair, but she dyed some streaks of it blue, blue-gray eyes and she is taller than me. Her personality is describable in one word: loud. Everything she does, if she is excited, mad, sad, happy, in pain . . . she dresses pretty loud too. Bright colors and all that along with her colorful hair. But she can also be really peaceful and comforting when the time is right. She is one of those weird combo people when it comes to music, she likes good music like Imagine Dragons, Paramore, etc. but she is also really into all those popstar guys. Recently she stopped liking Justin Bliber because of all that shit with him being a jerk . . . I MEANT STUFF!” I corrected my language as my sponsor always said I could let my mouth run off when talking to the press. “But you get the picture, people like him ---“ I was going to continue but she cut me off with a question.

                “Do you mean Bieber? As in Justin Bieber. You said Bliber.” She clarified after seeing my confused-but-i-don’t-actually-care face.

                “Mmmhhh . . . sure whatever. Both of our favorite foods is stew, like beef stew because it is all homey and her mom would always make it for us when we were sick.” I felt a small smile play across my face and my heart warm as I thought of the pleasant memories of Mrs. Emmet’s house.

                “Why wouldn’t you be at your own house when you were sick?” she actually seemed kinda worried when she asked, so instead of telling her the truth I fabricated a believable response. Lying came rather easily to me.

                “ She was my emergency contact in school.” It wasn’t true because she was counted as my guardian instead of my parents. The lady continued to ask tedious questions until she literally asked what my favorite color was. My fucking favorite color. To that I replied “Well anything that isn’t as ugly  as the color of your shoes. Sorry, I’ve got to go because I’m allergic to morons and your fur is reeking of it.” I ignored her look of shock and went off to find Lee.

A/N: hey erybody! I AM UPDATING ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THROW ME A PARADE BECAUSE THIS IS HISTORY! My updating schedule is that I will update anytime within a week of my last chapter. I’M SORRY AND I KNOW THAT THESE PAST FEW CHAPTERS HAVE BEEN BORING! IT WILL GET BETTER, I promise  ;) thank you so much for reading, I really, really appreciate it! Please comment! I love to read every comment and it warms my heart every time someone new comments, votes or fans me.

Heats and sparkles,

Ruby, the King.

P.S. Once this story is all into the 1D part of the story nobody will be with Liam b/c he is mine! #luby5eva

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