Chapter 7

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I rolled onto my stomach, pressing my face into the pillow. I continued to mentally will Craig to stop asking me to go to the party with clearly no success. 

"Come on babe, I know you love Halloween." He pleaded yet again. 

"That doesn't make me want to go to a party though." I pointed out.

I felt him nudge the side of my thigh asking, "You wouldn't do it for me?"

I laid my head on it's side away from him so I could roll my eyes before muttering, "Tell me what I need to know."

He jolted into a sitting position, bouncing on the bed slightly out of excitement and began explaining, "Okay, it's obviously on Halloween night and it should start around seven. Also I'm wanting to go as Spiderman, so you should go as Mary Jane."

"But I'm blonde."

"Just wear a wig then. Oh! Wait, no I have a better idea. You could go as Gwen Stacy."

"Cool, this implies that you're eventually going to snap my spine." I murmur sarcastically. 

"Well you know it's not a literal thing." He tells me, moving to put his arm around me and places a kiss on the back of my head. "I'd never hurt you."


I let out a huff of air as I caught sight of what I had actually been planning to wear for Halloween. It was a cute black skeleton dress and I had a pair of bone print tights to match. It wasn't that much of a costume, but then again I hadn't been planning to do much other than pass out candy and watch horror movies. I buttoned up the last two buttons on my Gwen Stacy costume, unable to get over the fact in basically looked like I was on my way to an internship and not a Halloween party.

"Is Craig not coming to pick you up?" My mom asks as she steps in my room.

"No, he said that he had to get there early to help out and I'm just going to walk there I guess." I explain as I adjust my ponytail.

The sound of keys hitting my mattress pulled my attention away from the mirror as my mom said, "Whenever you get ready to leave you can take the car, it's too dangerous to be out walking by yourself at night. Just don't drink and drive."

I quickly got over my momentary shock and made my way over to her for a hug saying, "Thank you, and I promise I won't do anything stupid."

"I know you won't. Have fun and if you need me I should be here passing out candy." She tells me as she returns the embrace.

"I'll try." I say as I let her go to finish getting myself ready.

A good ten minutes later I decided that it was finally time I make my way to the party. I went over the directions in my head as I got in the car, silently hoping that this was only going to be a small get together. Unfortunately as I turned down the last street I realized that I was actually a bit early, but I saw that there was already a bunch of vehicles and people surrounding the house I was supposed to be going to. For a minute I debating on just turning the car around and telling Craig that I caught a stomach bug and couldn't make it. I let out a heavy sigh as I drove closer to the place and parked on the side of the road like two other cars already had.

I flipped down the mirror to make sure everything on was still in order, trying to postpone the inevitable. I put on my best calm and collected expression before stepping out of the car at last. Some of the people I walked past were clearly already drunk, which made me worry that the cops could be called since they were all just running around in the front yard. I hurried inside to find even more intoxicated people even though it was only 7:40. I instantly began searching for Craig, since I knew absolutely no one here, except for a few faces that I recalled seeing around the halls at school, making me even more nervous. 

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