Chapter 1

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6 months earlier...

I picked at my black and sliver nails, trying to appear distracted as everyone in class paired up. I knew I wouldn't get a partner for this, I haven't in three years unless it was against someone else's will. I turned my attention back to The Great Gatsby paperback on my desk thinking of how badly I wanted to be at home reading this book and not having to speak with somebody about it. It wasn't like I hadn't read it at least four times, it was one of my favorite tragic romances. The idea of being in Daisy's shoes and not immediately choosing the man that actually loved her still baffled me, I'd kill for that level of devotion from someone like Jay Gatsby.

I'm suddenly knocked out of my thoughts and wishes by my English teacher's deadpan voice, "Mr. Balz why don't you have a partner?"

Some people snickered childishly at his last name, just like they always have. No one around here has any clue how to grow up.

"Ms. Matthew's doesn't seem to be paired up yet."

I snapped my brown eyes up at the woman, was she insane? No one has put me with Josh for years, even the teachers believed the ridiculous rumors. The eruption of whispers and murmurs had me cringing on the inside. I braved a look in his direction as he shrugged and picked his backpack to move to the seat next to mine. 

"Careful man, she might want more than to just look at you." The guy behind me warned.

I saw that he rolled his eyes as he pulled the desk next to mine. When our eyes met he gave me a sweet smile saying, "Hey."

My smile was more tight lipped as I just waved at him.

"So have you already read this book?" He asked picking up his newer edition of my book.

I held up my tattered and dog eared copy, "A few times."

His grin widened and I felt my stomach clench ever so slightly at the sight, he has a wonderful smile. I honestly wish that I didn't have a crush on him so the stories about me watching him would be more unlikely, but thankfully no one knew what was and wasn't true about all of this. A moment later someone threw a paper ball at me and Josh frowned a little.

I pushed some of my white blonde hair behind my ear muttering, "You can find a different partner if you want. You don't have to work with me."

"I don't see why I should."

I shrugged and flipped open the book to where I had last left off.

"So what exactly are we supposed to be doing? I kind of dozed off during her explanation."

I cleared my throat as I placed my thumb in the book so I wouldn't lose my spot, "She wants us to find a modern day story to compare it to and come up with our own alternative ending."

"Well that's easy, Jay doesn't die and they run away together."

I rose my eyebrows out of surprise as I asked, "You've read the book?"

"Well yeah, that was the whole point of the project right?"

I nodded in agreement.

A minute later he let out a laugh, "Let me guess since I'm a skater dude you assumed that I don't do work?"

I gave him a look, "I never said that."

"But you were thinking it."

I gave my own dry laugh, "You have no idea what I'm thinking."

"Yeah Carina is probably daydreaming about the nights she spends watching you from your window with her hands in her..."

"Miss Erick can I help you?" My English teacher thankfully cut in before she could carry out the rest of her nasty remark. 

Of course Tiffany would find a way to pop in at the weirdest moment, it didn't help that she is my cousin. Was it normal for family members to bully each other this way? Also she wasn't the cliche preppy girl one would expect, nope she was a straight A student. Most people liked her for her smarts and charm. To me she was just a colossal bitch.

Tiffany only shook her head as she placed a text book she must have borrowed back on the shelve next to her and stepped out of the room. Mrs. Watson returned to straightening up her desk, completely unconcerned about what just happened. I wanted to let out a deep sigh over this, but I resisted it. To my relief the dismissal bell sounded and I quickly reached for my bag.

Before I could bolt out of the room to make my walk home Josh called after me, "Hey wait a second!"

I turned back to him, waiting to hear whatever he had to say.

"When are we going to start working on this?"

"You cool with meeting me at the library tomorrow afternoon?"

He smiled, yet again making me weak in the knees as he detached his skate board from his backpack saying, "Save me a seat."

I nodded and with that he let his board hit the tile floor and zoomed past me. I felt a bright smile grace my lips when he was out of sight and here earlier I had been worried about him even agreeing to work with me. I was happy with this change of events, maybe I could actually be friends with the boy that caused my reputation to fall apart years ago.


Alright I know I said that I wouldn't post another chapter until I had finished another one of my stories, but you guys don't mind this do you? Lol

Tell me what you think ;)

Ak out!

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