Chapter 5

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I got to his classroom, it was cracked open slightly, and I heard sounds not unlike the moans I heard Andy make for me the night before. I looked inside and immediately hated the sight in front of me.

"Andy? Mrs.Simmons?" (A/N- Yes, she's married) They both immediately froze, Andy's head shot up, and Mrs.Simmons stood from her previous kneeling position. She walked over to the garbage and spat out the glistening, creamy white liquid.

"Morgan, it's not what it-"

"Looks like?! You lying cunt-ass motherfucker, I ought to bitch slap you. With my fucking least favorite teacher?! On our motherfucking anniversary?!" The insulting vulgarities just slipped out of my mouth. He looked at me guiltily, but I had one more point to make. "And to think I bought this for you to take my virginity in!" I screamed at him before opening the coat and showing him my outfit. He gawked at me in the unlikely for me outfit.

"That is entirely inappropriate for a classroom!" Yelled the hypocritical whore of a teacher.

"Inappropriate for a classroom?! You were on your knees for a fucking STUDENT!" I screamed back at the sexually frustrated bitch. "Fuck you both! You! We're done! I want you and your shit out of my house by the time I get back from class tomorrow, or I will make a burn pile out of it all! Including you!" I screamed at my man-whore of an ex-boyfriend before fixing the coat and storming out of there. Very easy for me in heels, and I hardly wear heels. 

I was walking back the way I came when a strong hand pulled me into an empty classroom. I went to scream but a hand clamped my mouth shut. As my eyes started to adjust to the dark room, I realized that I had seen this certain shape before. 

"Hayden?" I asked in disbelief. What was he doing here? Especially since the school day was over. 

"Yeah, I probably should have asked you, sorry." He apologized, I could see that he was mentally scolding himself.

"It's alright, is there something wrong?" I asked him. I had never gotten close enough to really look at him, all I ever really saw was the person who my boyfriend hated. He was beautiful, probably the most beautiful person I had  ever met.

"No, I, uh, just uh..." He trailed off.

"It's okay, take as much time as you need to think of what you want to say, word it right, and then say it. Take as much time as you need." He chuckled at this, why? I didn't know. Oh yeah, he hadn't really seen what I was like with my friends, but then I remembered, he was there the day I bought the outfit I was wearing under the trench coat. I pulled the cord tighter trying to keep the trench coat up. God, I was more nervous than Mr.Krabs find out that he has to pay a bill.

"I just, I saw what happened, I'm sorry." He said sympathetically to me, his apology even reached his eyes.

"No need to appoloize, you're not the one to apologize, you're not the one that cheated on your girlfriend of one year on your anniversary." I smiled reassuringly at him.

"Shit, that sucks." He said, then he looked angry for a while. I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He relaxed immediately. Wow, it had never worked that fast before, not even on Andy. Then he smirked as though he had an idea.

"Okay, so I have this idea, but I have to know that you sincerely want to get t back at Andy." He said.

"Okay, give me your idea." I smirked back at him. He grinned wider, I swear we both looked like The Joker. 

"Okay, so we both have a mutual hate for Andy, and I know that if I was cheated on, I would want to fuck with them very badly. Wait, not literally like that, I just-" I cut him off by chuckling at his similarity to me. He smiled at me.

"So, what's the plan, what do we do?" I asked him, sincerely interested in what he had planned, and showing it through my facial expression.

"We 'date'", (A/N-We've ALL read enough Wattpad to know where THIS is going.) , he said to me. At first I was confused, but then he continued. "When's a day both you and Andy have class on the same day?" He asked.

"Tomorrow. Both of us have class on all the same days." I answered him.

"Like I could forget the same days you and I have in the same day, I was just making sure Andy had class tomorrow with us." He smirked at me. Okay. 

"So, tomorrow, at lunch, I'll make an announcement. Bippitty bang, you answer 'yes', Bam! Were dating. Sound good?" I nodded. "Good. Don't forget, tomorrow at lunch, don't be absent, don't be late, sorry, I don't mean to be controlling to you." 

"It's okay, I do that to people accidentally all the time." I laughed to him.

How will this end up? I couldn't help but wonder as I turned down the corridor. Then, Lauren and Kiara ran up to me, panting with pitiful looks on their faces.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked them.

"Well, um we don't really know how to tell you this, but um..." Kiara started off weakly.

"You found Andy getting a blow-job from Mrs. Simmons? Yeah, I know." They gawked at me. "I'm fine."

"As you've told us many times before; 'Fine doesn't mean fine! It goes great, good, okay, not okay, I hate you, fine!'" Lauren exclaimed. (A/N-Any Two Broke Girls fans out there? Max is my favorite) 

"Okay, then I'm great, fergalicious, I'm higher than SpongeBob and Patrick on Ice Cream" They knew that I was truly okay when I could still use my Sponebob references.

"Okay, but can we still have the movies and junk food marathon? Please?" They both whined in unison using puppy-dog eyes, my one true weakness, cause I was a nice person like that.

"Okay." I said, making them both jump for joy. I smiled and shook my head at them, but I wasn't one to talk, I was just as childish.

(A/N- So, peoples, how was this chapter, knowing what you know now, would you like more of an Andy or a Hayden? I think I know most of your answers, but please comment them down below. Song of the chapter is 'If You Can't Hang- Sleeping With Sirens.)

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