Chpt. 1

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He looked into the mirror propped up against his collection of unread books and unwanted CD's. Staring into his own mind, dark holes that seemed to deepen with every second that passed. Tom hated everything about his differences. His "quirks" as Matt called them. Who by the way gives terrible advice. A guy who loves himself so much as to build shrines of himself really isn't the person who would give thought to his best friend's feelings. That was pretty rare of Matt.

Tom sighed, taking a sip from his flask and trusting nothing but gravity to carry him to bed. Everything had gone to shit since Tord came back. The thought of giant robots and fire lingered in Tom's mind. It ate him up every night. The bitter liquid had already begun to take effect.

Why did you leave? Thought Tom. Before Tord had left in the first place there was an obvious distance growing between the boys. No one knew what had been causing it, nor did they care. Tord spent hours to days at a time in his room. Edd would mention it every now and then but the topic had always been denied. If only Tom had stepped in. Then maybe this whole thing would have never happened.

Seeing absolutely no point in changing his clothes, Tom wore his hoodie loosely. He decided to sleep on the idea. He let it bite at his feelings as he sunk deeper between the blankets and his pillows.

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