2 - SineadDaWizard123

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Name: Terra Alicia Cross (her mom was English)

First name: I've gotten another OC with this name on my HP critiques. Is this a popular name or something? Also, this seems like a name that's a liittle to close to Gaea, which, since I'm being nitpicky, seems weird for someone who doesn't want their kid dead.

Alicia: eh, fine.

Cross:, eh, fine.
Nicknames: N/a

Height/Weight: 5'4, 134 lbs.

She's average in every way possible. Fantastic.

Description of appearance/ link: She looks somewhat like Vanessa Morano, except she has paler skin and darker eyes

I was already wary at the celebrity faceclaim, but the fact that she's basically whitewashed Vanessa with deep black eyes isn't really making me love her right now.

Birthdate: 17/12/99
Godly parent: Hades (she was born AFTER Percy Jackson said the Big Three could have children again!)

Really, because Percy was six years old when she was born.

Powers from Godly parent: Can move the Earth, but gets fatigued

On the one hand: good!!! Thank you for including limits!!!!! On the other: . . .and? More elaboration?? How does she move the earth, how much can she move at once, what qualifies as the earth, do her powers work in space, etc. because the cool thing about the PJO universe is that it's totally incompatible with modern science, so you have to work around it.

Age at beginning of book: 17

Personality: She is very quiet, hates attention and cracks under pressure. She can be sassy when she is stressed

She's sassy but also quiet and hates attention. Sure, jan.

Likes: The dark, being alone, quiet

Does she have. . .like. . .a favorite color. . .

Dislikes: Crowds, loud noises and bright lights

Yeah, I gathered. Again. . .color?

Interests: She likes drawing, even though she is an awful drawer, reading Ancient Greek (since she is dyslexic) and art

Art and drawing, what completely separate interests. Also, yes, I too only ever do two things with my life. I never do anything but those two things. It's not like I also have things I'm less interested in, but will still do. It's not like pretty much only people with severe depression don't have things they enjoy.

Worst fear: The ocean

That's part of the Earth. Awkward.

Sexuality: Straight

Eh, fine.

Backstory: Her mom had given birth to her, then re-married. She was kicked out of several schools and her mom was abusive towards her.

Wow, an abusive parent. What a fucking surprise.

She has a scar on her left cheek from a blunt knife scratching her when her drunk step-dad cut her.

Good fucking lord, any more angst you'd like to pile on? No wonder she doesn't even have a favorite color, her entire backstory is internal screaming!

After about ten years of this, she ran away, when she was lured by a monster.

What is this, the monster underground railroad?

She met her protector when he rushed to her rescue, and brought her safely to camp.

Wait, the monster wasn't her protector?

Rating: 4/10

Suggestions: include, perhaps, some details. Like, about her. As a person. Not as a sad story. As an actual person with complex personality traits. Ya know. Like even, shockingly, tragic abused kids have. I promise you, even if you're abused, you have a favorite color.

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